Ahoyyy it's been a long time, ya?

Sep 19, 2010 02:25

Oh man I rarely go online lately and I hardly got the time to keep in touch with Lj, I didn't even know there was a wank about something along locked-entry journal was being able to be shared via FB or Twitter. XDD That's how up to date I was.
Well, at least that problem has been resolved now by the Lj staffs? Good, because I certainly don't want my locked-entries become public consumption freely.

And I just realized I've been tagged with this meme by ruby_dream, baiklah adanya kita langsung saja dengan postingan ini:

1. If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag eight sexy people. Don't refuse to do that like a pansy. Unless you really don't want to of course. And if you're not tagged and you want to do it, then do!

Favourite song right now?:
Kesha - Tik Tok, trashy enough to keep me awake when I'm pulling an all-nighter to meet my deadlines.

Last album you bought/downloaded?:
That world cup 2010 songs album.

Last movie you watched? Did you like it?:
Street Dance.
Well....the story is so-so, but the dance sequences are good. ^ ^)b

Three things that are super-annoying at the moment?:
messy rooms,
my sisters borrowing my things and not putting it back to where it belongs.

If you had to spend time in prison for any crime, what would it be?:
The FPI caught me making an R-18 doujinshi.

What's really scary?:

Name two items nearest to you:
An iPod, and a...white flowery lace? What the heck, who put the freaking lace on the computer desk?!?

Top five words/phrases you use?:
Duile! (an exclamation in Indonesian, the English equivalent would be something like 'duh!')
What the shit
Kurang ajar! (Indonesian, it's used to call someone who apparently doesn't receive enough etiquette lessons in his/her life)
(LOL almost half of it were swearing words, I have such a big patience! XDD)

Two things you're excited for this year?:
HUNTING (what I'm hunting for is a secret though, ah-hem!),
[1920] APH Anthology project.

Your favorite ice cream flavor?:
Chocolate fudge :9

Guiltiest pleasure?:
Hhhhnnngghhhh..........cafe/coffee shop hopping? It really drains my money though, and sometimes caffeine rush too :P

The most played song on your iTunes/ winamp mediamonkey?:
Mika - Rain (this is my theme song when I wanted to resign from my old job so bad).

If you could rescue any animal, what would it be and would you keep it?:
Javanese or Balinese Tigers, they are already extinct now T_T
Hell no! It's damn expensive to keep them and it's against the law.

Worst movie you've ever seen?:
You Stupid Man, I forgot the story but all I remember was going out from the cinema with bad mood and starting to rant about the movie to friends who accompany me. Sorry guys.
The Last Airbender come into a close second.

Best way to relax?:
SLEEP! Ho yay.

Favorite item?:
Man, I have a lot of them, but if I have to choose maybe it's my iPod. Can't last a day without it.

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter?:
Autumn. The sight of the reddish brown falling leaves are just too stunning, sweeping it away from the backyard can be a bitch though. Hahaha.

Say something to the person who tagged you:
Yo, bb, you're seriously the sweetest person I've ever met online and I'm glad for having known you. ^ ^ Sorry for not being able to keep in touch with you a lot and I hope for the biggest success in your study d(^ ^)b.
Also, it's two days late, but I also want to say Happy Birthday to you! Waaa traktirannya mana~~! (Hahaha ini baru contoh tepat untuk orang yang kurang ajar XDD) Wish you the best in your live, bb! <3

Feel free to do this meme if you want to my flist, since I ain't gonna tag anybody. ;D


Anyway, I'm also guilty for the crime of rarely giving reply to all your comments and/or entries. I'll try to get back at you as much as I can, guys! >____<
Ugh, I need some quality holiday like seriously. Want to catch up with your updates, man!

meme, birthday

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