Must.Update.My Life

Mar 03, 2010 23:38

HNNNNGH All of my commissions, requests, etc are 75% done! Hang in there self!!
(Not having proper internet connection for a month does help in this case)
I have this little habit to do all of my drawing tasks in the same time, because I got easily distracted.
Is this why I need longer time to finish an artwork? Dammit, how to change this though, I wonder....

Anyway, here's some gem from 70's stuff I've found in search for comic inspiration:

Mahabharata Series by R.A. Kosasih ©1977
(Beware, local jokes ahead)

"THOBAAT" as in English: "I REPENT!"
Omg lol! I forgot that kind of exclamation exists before!

Apparently, yuri is not a new stuff in Indonesian comics.

I don't even-

Brief Translations
Drestarata : "But, how to choose? It's difficult...."
Pandu : "Well, you can just grope them...but those three are equally pretty, big bro!"

When Bisma was told about the three brother's decision, he agreed to it wholeheartedly.

Dewi Kunti and Dewi Madrim was shocked to hear the news, since they have already fall in love with Pandu....

While Dewi Gandari throws her tantrum at her little brother because she felt she's being cheated. She's not willing if she's to become a blind man's wife.

This whole page makes me LOL, You can just grope them omgwhut? XD Also, I can't be the only one who find that Sakuni's face at the last panel is lol worthy.....or am I? Pfft sorry bb, I do have a strange sense of humor anyway. ^ ^;

Now I really want to search for another old Indonesian comics, like Gina or those silat comics. The only series I got in my house is that Mahabharata series, because apparently my dad was a big fan.
Well, mostly I want to read it because of the retro language and jokes though, it's simply hilarious! XDD


Also, some icons to grab:
I can't help it, there's just a lot of icon-worthy expressions in those series.

::Plain/Base Icon::

::With Text::
These two basically means the same.

These two also means the same.


Too lazy to use proper html *bricked

Modify and use it as you wish, no need to credit me.
Spread the Mahabharata love~ ♥♥♥

Anyway, I must go hiatus for a week or so, depends on the situation. Also, does anybody in my flist will attend Java Jazz Festival? I'll be there on Saturday, so... let's meet? ^ ^

Also, God, how much I miss my online friends! Must catch up with you guys soon, yes?

retro madness, mahabharata, random, life

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