Sep 26, 2010 06:48
So... Normally I'm ambivalent towards the homeless. I don't treat them with any disdain or anything. Some people can't help it, some take advantage of the lifestyle... No, what turns my crank is when homeless bums start fucking with other people's property.
Today for example. I work in a downtown area now, and I've been told that we get homeless sleeping in our doorway alcove... or worse, peeing in it. We have a freaking camera watching it 24/7. Now, I've never seen anyone use it as a toilet to date. That ended today.
I caught motion on our video wall and looked up to see some guy in a heavy winter coat backed up into our alcove. He pressed right back up against the camera and stood there. Baffled, I stood up and walked across my office to the intercom. By the time I reached it, he was gone. Thinking he was one of the frequent stoppers (we get lots of people stopping in, pulling something from their pack, then moving on) I just sat down and worked. Upon time to take a break, I stepped out the front door to find the whole alcove flooded with piss. Not just a corner, no... the whole thing was full! It was pouring down the sidewalk and pouring into the gutter. She smell was unbearable! And it's the only way out of the building. I had to carefully step over the yellow river and get out to the sidewalk.
Now, I saw the guy asleep in another alcove up the street. I didn't bother to say anything because the last thing you wanna do is piss someone like that off, in my book. Break over, I sat back down. Roughly... oh, an hour later the guy is back in the alcove! I rushed to the intercom and asked "can I help you?"
I got a heavily slurred, "shorreh!" followed by a continued pissing on my front door. He just KEPT GOING!
Ok, so I get it... I understand. It's 5:30 in the morning and no one will let you use their toilet. Fine. What? can't you pee somewhere where people will be stepping in it? are you bum marking your terratory so other bums who come sniffing around won't sleep on your box? what the FUCK man? Why do you gotta go up to someone's business and piss all over the door for?
But you know what? Just a 2 minute walk around the corner in the oposite direction (about the same distance to our door) there's an alley with freaking STORM DRAINS and no cameras. It must be so hard to use something full of water.
And as I'm writing this... he COMES BACK! 3 times in 3 hours he's come by and left a piss flooded alcove. ARGH! WHAT THE HELL!