This is going to be really fast blogging. But I managed to get some time on the Internet in my hotel in Beijing~! I'll be back on Saturday and I'm really excited. It's not that I didn't like China and all but I miss my parents' cooking and the weather in Australia. I also miss all my friends back in Australia too. After this trip in China, I have also decided that I absolutely detest bargaining. I'm too soft for it. Everything I buy something I feel ripped off. I sound like a whinger now so I'll just shut up.
But I've missed out on so much~! I've also forgotten som much. I've missed everyone~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Simone, I read most of your email two days after you sent it. I was actually on the computer two hours before you sent your reply! We always seem to have such bad timing. :( But when I come back, I really want to see you and I think one thing that sucked about this whole holiday was that I missed out on the chance of having a Skype chat. I miss them so much~! Did you have any?
I've seen some amazing things in China and I've come to love so many new places.
Anyway I have go now.
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