I'm a Zi. Darn it. Pon would've been super cool. ( ̄へ ̄)
Are you Pon or Zi?
Your Result: You are Zi!
Congrats! Your Zi. You like pretending to be a ninja and eating the heads of gummi bears. You don't like spiders or cats but no worries ur loved one is always there to help. speaking of loved ones, ur deeply in love with them and they make u soo happy that sometimes ur heart even bleeds.
You are Pon!
Are you Pon or Zi?Quiz Created on GoToQuiz ![](http://pics.livejournal.com/jalela/pic/0000p4a1/s320x240)
<------wow. I got a depressed Pon picture from a quiz.
Started fanfic, only prob is that I am writing very repetitively. sigh. *must edit it soon and ask Riki to read it*
sigh. sigh. sigh. Gotta brush me teeth and make lunch. OTHERWISE MY MUM WILL GET ANGRY AT ME. HELP!!!
- wendy
\(--)/ マイッタ