Apr 28, 2006 16:31
Yesterday I got a letter from Hill's Road offering me a conditional offer to go there, attending all the courses that I wanted to do (yay). I suppose Hill's Road was the right choice for me as opposed to Long because this news brought me great happiness. Now all I need to do is ensure I pass English lit. and maths well and get another GCSE in something or other.
Today in PSE we had a fun lesson. There were cards in the middle of the room with statements on them like 'prettiest smile' and 'most likely to end up with 5 kids by the age of 22' and our class had to pick them up and put them on the person's chair that they felt most suited the statement. It was pretty fun trying to match some of them up, and obviously the larger 'characters' got a greater number of cards. When people read their cards out, it was strange that, even though a lot of them were jokey-ness (Nuril being the most dateable person etc.) it did reflect their personality (or at least perception) quite well.
Anyway, the cards I got were:
-The kindest person
-The person with the most friends
-Most relaxed person
-Most likely to be a TV presenter
-Most likely to be a pirate.
All in all, quite touching. Everyone got a few and it was pretty funny too.
I got my school photo at the end of school and made a big fuss about not showing anyone. It is quite an awful picture (the guy made me laugh and I was in my particularly spotty phase). I got over it eventually and just accepted the silly photo. When I got home I decided to look at all my school photos from Reception class to now. I look so different in the picture now in a way that disgusted me. I would be ashamed to send *this* picture off to my grandparents. It sent me into a slightly depressive state, I'm moving on to a new phase, but the old me seems so much better. I'm wearing make-up in the photo to try and hide my faults, but it just makes me look worse. I was a kid, I had sticky out teeth, I had gooky glasses, I had tangled hair, but I still looked pretty. Now I put the extra effort in to try and look pretty but it just doesn't work.
I think it's time to stop kidding myself about what I might look like, face facts, and get on with moving on to the 'next stage' - oooh, very pretentious sounding, non? I mean it is the inside that’s supposed to count anyway.
moving on,
sixth form,