Sep 20, 2005 21:19
Today I got up and did my normal routine, then I went into The Grove and did stuff. Normal stuff. I helped the kids with ideas in creative writing, and listened to them read and helped them out in the playground etc. Then we had IT. Their task was to practice drawing 'pictures'. It was here that I casually remarked to one of the kids that I used a very similar method to that which they were employing to draw pictures, and, here, look at this webcomic I did! At the end of the lesson, Mrs. Caroe had all the kids sat on the It room floor to look at my webcomic in the 'people use it in real life and that's why do these lessons, look!' type thing. It was projected onto a SMART board (the first I'd seen). They are, indeed, very smart.
They were fairly in awe, which was rather sweet of them. There was this one child, Kalife (a bit of a trouble maker) who came up to me afterwards and said "Wow! That was amazing! I need to remember that for the rest of my life!". I told him that if he practiced he could easily get to be even better than that and he looked at me in disbelief. I said it was absolutely true and that when i was his age I didn't even know how to even access a paint program, let alone do stuff on it, so he already was better than I was. I was incredibly touched by his awe and innocence.
The teachers in the staff room *still* have not said a word to me. I don't particularly mind, really. I just think they're a bit odd for pointblank ignoring me, is all. I just *mock* them and write things about them in my notebook or read Pride and Prejudice. I haven't had a teacher visitor person yet, and I think it would be rather useless now if I *had* had a problem.
It was most peculiar today that I had the urge to want to brush my teeth so much so that I actually had to physically think of my hand not reaching out to grab a non-existent toothbrush for it to not actually do it. That was fairly scary. I was also overly paranoid about the kids having lice, too, but tried to contain it sufficiently enough for people not to really notice.
I got home and decided to rid myself of the nit paranoia straight away, I got out of the shower at 4:30 and quickly changed my sheets and things. Phil came over as I finished this. We had a nice time filled with background music and red light and me being the most 'unarticulate' person in the world. That was annoying as Phil is the person in which there is most opportunity to talk articulately too. I always enjoy the company of Phil, and this was not an exception =).
"Oh vie!", cried the merchant as the great owl swooped from its previously invisible perch.
"You doth perplex me, wingéd fiend!. Your feathers are like a thousand needles piercing both skin and bone; your savage hoot alone is enough to make any man, quiver in his polished leather shoes! Your terror is most unwelcome here, yet I cannot stand to see you plague anyone else but me, for my coping will far exceed most others!"