Domo Arigato!

Feb 25, 2012 02:26

Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

Fantastic questions from the lovely antepathy

1. Crumpets!
Crumpets! Lovely, stodgy, bready circles of goodness. Best method for consumption is early in the morning, when half awake, toasted and covered in more butter that it could ever hold (and it leaks out the bottom) accompanied with a cup of tea. My taste buds love me and my arteries curse me. Cream cheese is also good. I recently discovered 'eggy bread crumpets'. Another food which I will regret later in life.

2. It Took Place on Mass Transit
A few, mostly boring, stories come to mind. Myself and a friend did nothing but quote Futurama for an entire bus journey. One guy, as he was getting off, looked over to us and told us that we were the most entertaining people he'd seen in a long time. I've thrown up on so many coaches I might actually be banned from them. My above mentioned friend and I were on a bus one time, and there was this little kid on it. It was all happy and being a kid, then it looked at us with most hateful expression ever! I was like 'Dude, what the hell did I do to you?' Mostly, mass transit is very boring. I always have headphones on, so no one bothers me.

3. The last food you craved
Pancakes. I only realised at 10:30 on the 20th that it was Shrove Tuesday the next day. I spent all night thinking of pancakes. And they came out pretty well! Well, the first one was rubbish, but I got impatient, and didn't let the pan heat up properly. I didn't flip them either. I didn't want a complete failure. They're deceptively filling. I was stuffed after 3. Though I did have them with Nutella and peanut butter.

4. The last song that got stuck in your head.
I'm Kilroy! It's still stuck in there after three days: 'Mr. Roboto' by Styx. I'm not a hero! I'm not the savior! Forget what you know! I totally have visions of Sideswipe singing it to amuse himself (head canon dictated I give 'Sides a talent like Sunny has). I don't think I've listened to anything past 1989 for the last two months or so. I get shocked at work when the music is on and it's all modern stuff.

5. A character that needs more love
Oh man... See, when it comes to Transformers, there is rarely a character that I actually dislike. Even the jerks win me over. So there are a lot of characters who deserve love in my opinion. I was thinking the entirety of Beast Wars needs more love, but I'm actually gonna go with... Cosmos. He gets a tough ride in the original cartoon. In one episode 'The secret of Omega Supreme', Prime is a jerk to him. I'd like to see more fics about him. And I totally ship Cosmos/Sunstreaker!

6. Your first fandom and what you did in it
Gundam Wing. That was the first one I participated in. Heero/Duo FTW! I wrote a few stories. They're still on an old FF account. I devoured GW fics though. It helped me develop what I like and dislike about fandom, it taught me not to be uptight about pairings. I just can't do OTP's anymore. There will always be favourite pairings, but lesser pairing and odd pairings are delicious as well. It also taught me what good and bad fiction is. It also taught me that constructive criticism is your friend. I watched loads of authors go off the deep end due to perceived 'flames'. I don't really participate in fandom extensively. Sometimes I regret that I don't put a greater effort in.

7. Things with tentacles
Haha! I've read enough fanficion to know where this is going... How to avoid tentacle rape


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