Title: Faith and Conviction (Part 1)
Author: Jalabert
Pairings: Flack/Hawkes, Morgan/Reid
Rating: FRT
Summary: Don Flack finds himself working with the BAU once again after Sheldon Hawkes becomes the target of a serial killer. (Sequel to Crossed Jurisdictions)
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But I love your work, I hope that you continue this. I'm presently into writing Morgan/Hotch fics because I think there's an intensity in the way they response to and about each other. I'm also writing Hawkes/Flack and Hawkes/Mac.
I agree with you about the Morgan/Reid pairing. It's practically canon and not as interesting as the potent chemistry and tension between Morgan and Hotch. For Crossed Jurisdictions, I wanted to have one established relationship and one in the making--although it turned out to be the opposite of what people expected--Morgan/Reid was the new one. I was focusing on Hawkes and Flack, so I didn't want too much going on with Morgan.
I am a very big fan of Morgan/Hotch. I think they're hot--and because they're more mature and theoretically more in touch with their desires--they ought to be cataclysmic. And in good fic, they usually are. (I have to wonder now if I have read any of yours... Unfortunately, the same thing that has kept me from writing has kept me from reading as well. But I will definitely look for your stories now that I know there's something out there for me.) I like more adult pairings (probably because I am more mature and I think better writers go for the more interesting story lines.)
I like Hawkes with everyone, but then I'm usually a fan of rare pairings. I've written a bit of Hawkes/Danny for a challenge fic and I think Hawkes would be good with Mac, but I really don't see Mac as gay, so I don't think I could write it. That said, whenever I see the early episodes of CSI:NY I see a bond between Mac and Hawkes that disappeared when Hawkes became a CSI. I strongly agree that exploring something subtle like the tension between Hawkes and Flack, or Hawkes and Mac, or Morgan and Hotch is a lot more interesting than going with the obvious on-screen relationship. Personally, I could never see Danny and Flack together. Hawkes and Flack are far more interesting. People concluded that they hated each other in those early episodes working together. I saw a battle of wills and possibly the first test of their budding relationship.
Thank you for your comments. I'm inspired (and challenged to find time to read)!
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