...barely :)
So, I've been underground, at least on the journal. When did I last write something? ...(checks)... oh, ok, 1 1/2 months ago, not so bad. I guess.
Point is, I'm currently in a "fed up" phase, or maybe I'm just coming out of it. Could also be kind of a winter hibernation thing. I'm fed up with people who whine. Endlessly. I'm fed up with people who just talk, and talk, and talk, and produce little. I like to think that I have been quite productive lately, and I tried to focus on my work. Work was gratifying, where my personal life was not.
I just barely made one new friend, but I broke off contact ... I don't want a relationship. I don't want all this crazy stuff again. I'm fed up; love has been ugly to me. And I came to realize that I don't have close friends. Sure, the people I live together with are sort of close to me. But the rift between me and them has been growing. Is it me, is it my personality? Am I just inept in personal communications? Seems so. But I won't take all the blame. It's probably a good share of bad luck, too. I guess, I'm not easygoing.
Ok, that's enough of my depression. The upper side is that I have so many hours of overtime that I should now really use them up. So, I guess, I will take off hours and start to do stuff again. Which I look forward to, too. Spring comes, and I can go biking again. That is, once I repair my bike :) The brakes really need to be adjusted, and I need a new bike tire inflator thing - the old one is quite broken. And then - off into the country. Hmmm, nice.
Well, that's a start. I'd like to continue writing more regularly again. There, a non-binding lent resolution.