Been a while, eh? I keep meaning to get back into more writing (or typing in this case), but it never happens for a variety of reasons.
I DO quite a bit, and nowadays, I seldom have any time to even do some of the things I should be doing, like running for example.
Fortunately, I have a few minutes to while away the time, meaning I can type this much, and actually update this journal. I'll add something visual so it won't be too boring.
Under normal circumstances, I run twice a week, Usually a day during the week, and then a weekend day. But taking classes after work means occasionally not running. For example, this week: I have a tasting for the wedding today after work. Tomorrow, aerials class after work. The following day, it's dance class (again, for the wedding.) So I might be able to get a run in on Thursday, and maybe the weekend.
The big news of course, is we got rid of Trump as President. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, it all seems like such a relief to no longer have to worry about what shit he might do once he's officially out of office.
And just as big: Not only was it Joe Biden who beat him, but Kamala Harris is his V.P. A WOMAN VEEP, and not only a woman, but part black, and part Indian too! I think the whole world celebrated the win!
Except Trump and his cronies of course. Waah.
Anyway, the future is looking pretty rosy.... I better be careful. It seems the powers-that-be hate optimists and the moment I feel good about life, something happens.
For those who care, we will be performing at the wedding. The dance will have a little acro, and we're working on an aerials routine. The missus is getting stronger and by the time the wedding gets here, she's going to be JACKED.