May 18, 2003 03:05
ok so i haven't posted in forever, due to my slaker-ness and just plain busy hanging out with my super cool girlfriend lisa, but life has been great, i mean so much is going on i can't even type about it all. SUMMER IS HERE! so much fun, i can't wait.... so tonight, was quite posible the weirdest night of my entire life, nuff said. ok well i don't know what to say any more, i'm so bad at live journal now, i need to get back into it now that summers here....ok, this is my plan starting may 25th i'm gonna post at least 5 times a week till the end of summer.... man it's so late i need to eat my pizza and go to bed. but instead i'll stay up talking about anime and how dumb i am and why le blue girl is my ideal..... strange....... some thing really weird is going on and i don't know if i can control it.