Dec 31, 2007 18:27
someone said I should share my that I would keep to them. I guess I will share them, but I'll hardly do anything else.
None the less,
my resolutions for 2008 (semi-late, i guess):
1) take the time (and the patience) to draw accurately from a model. Try drawing for information.
2) post to this journal. I mean, why have a livejournal if you won't use it?
3) Don't bounce between super-health-nut and couch-potato-slob. Find a middle ground.
4) FINISH PORTFOLIO. but... have fun with it, too. let go, but finish it.
There's more, I'm sure...
Oh! like...
5) Learn your lesson and call dad only at times when he won't (or certainly shouldn't) be drunk. Save your sanity.
6) Learn your lesson and don't send apologies in e-mails if you really want a response.
7) learn to paint with your tablet and photoshop and/or painter. Don't just drool over other people's work.
8) learn human anatomy. You need it.
Okay, now I don't want anymore resolutions. I feel overwhelmed.
9) don't overdo your resolutions next time.
new years resolutions