Title: Whose Your Daddy?, Part 2
jakisbishlygayFandom: CSI: New York
Pairing: The Almighty OT4, Danny/Adam/Lindsay/Don
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slash/Het, Preg, MPreg, Medical Bastardization.
Spoilers: Brief spoilers for Snow Day
Word Count: 1172
Beta: None.
Authors Notes: MPreg isn't really my cup o' tea, but
green_wing cornered me with the puppy dog eyes of DOOM... and well... yeah, she broke me.
Summary: “Wow Cupcake, you havin' puppies?” Adam looked confused, Lindsay rolled her eyes, and Danny's yawn was drown out by Don's sudden snoring.
Part 1-
Halfway through Lindsay's fourth month, they discovered that Adam's pregnancy was only a week behind hers.)