Country: Serbia
Debut: 2007
Previous Appearances: 6
Wins: 1 (2007 -
Marija Šerifović 'Molitva')
Artist: Moje 3
Song: Ljubav je svuda
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Did we need a girl group this year? Well we have one. This year was kinda low on girl groups, actually I think this may be the only girl group this year. Not totally a bad thing though if we had one less girl group, I wouldn't mind...
The girl dressed as the devil doesn’t need the platform stiletto pumps. She prances like a horse in them, though it is hard to do anything else in those kind of shoes. Those shoes belong on a run way or on a drag queen. They are the only times they are acceptable. Though maybe she is a drag queen... hmmm
this is better than most stuff aimed at teen girls, but it is still girl group. It will probably qualify only because there Is no competition in the girl group category, which is a category that only ever appeals to 15 year old girls and 40 year old men for some reason. I don't understand.
this is one of the countries I expect little from partly because... Ovo Je Balkan
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