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Himnusz 2016:
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Freddie - Pioneer
Another ‘talent’ show loser hitting the Eurovision stage. Like a typical Factor/Idol/voice winner he has no substance. There is not even anything interesting in his biog. At least he is pretty, but unfortunately that is about it.
Watching the song I realise why I could never be a backing singer. Besides my lack of singing ability I am held back by my lack of coordination. The backing vocalist have perfectly synchronise their right foot rock with each other. They even clap with sticks. I would be a mess. These guys have talent.
This year’s theme appears to be ‘being accepted for being different’. There have been a number of sings with that kind of theme and none of them are highly accepted by the bookies. Freddie isn’t different though. He is cut from the same cloth as every other wannabe star. The bookies rate that just in the top 20
There is always a song that is worse. There were apparently two songs worse than Hungary in 1998:
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