favorite quote of 2008 (so far)

Jan 01, 2008 13:40

 (roughly paraphrasing from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)

Silver-Girl Whose Name I Can't Spell or Remember: Of course we'll help you.
Sothe (who is a boy btw):  You know what?  I know the perfect person to help you--Ike!
Silver-Chicka: ::eyeroll:: Yes, Lord Ike can help you.
Wolf-Queen-Who-Looks-Like-Kiba's-Momma:  But who is this Lord Ike?
Silver-Chicka: Lord Ike, the hero of the war, and the father of Sothe's children.*

::giggles like an immature idiot::

Happy New Years, everyone.

*actual quote, btw.


fire emblem, random, quotes

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