Stealing this from
30 day fanfic meme!
1. How did you first get into writing fanfic, and what was the first fandom you wrote for? What do you think it was about that fandom that pulled you in?
Oh God. I was…ten? Maybe eleven or twelve, I can’t remember. All I remember is that it was from Before High Speed Internet, which means I must have been pretty young, ‘cause we’ve had high speed internet since I was like, fourteen.
I think I came across fanfiction via a google search for Pokemon spoilers and, well, the rest is history. I’ve always loved to write and read so really, no one should be surprised that I found fandom and got sucked in. For the longest time, it was my dirty little secret. No one knew I read fanfiction. To this day, I still don’t like telling people I read/write fanfiction, and it’s been a big part of my life for ten years! My sister and I have this awful symbiotic relationship where we acknowledge that we both read/write fanfiction, but we refuse to talk about it and also refuse to read each other’s stuff. It’s like a personal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
For me, fanfiction was this way to escape the real world (I didn’t have a lot of friends growing up, and the friends I did have were never interested in the same stuff I was), but it was also a way to explore worlds and characters that I already loved. I’ve always loved reading, but I had a hard time picking up new series because it took me a while to adjust to that world. I still have that problem, actually-someone has to recommend a book or series to me, because I don’t want to get emotionally invested in something and then have it turn out to be crap. Fanfiction was basically the Best Thing Ever to my preteened self because it took something I already loved and added to it. What was there not to love?
The funny thing was, I was writing fanfiction in my head long before I even knew what fanfiction was. I used to read the Animorph books and make up my own adventures to go along with the series. I used the internet almost exclusively to find Pokemon spoilers because I was convinced that my ideas for future episodes were better than what was being shown.
First fanfic I ever wrote (and I refuse to publish it ever) was a crossover between Star Wars and the Legend of Zelda. It was called the Legend of Solo and it had Han Solo magically transported into Hyrule and making snarky commentary. Which, in hindsight, actually sounds pretty awesome, but this fic was terrible, and I think my preteen self knew that and that’s why it’s never seen the light of the internet ever.
First fandom I ever wrote for and published was Digimon. I was a Matt/Sora shipper, and my first fic was awful and full of the worst clichés and involved the kids coming to America and Oh God, don't make me talk about it anymore. I am ashamed.