Title: Untitled, Short and Sweet Semi-NSFW Alistair/Cousland Ficlette
Author: Jakia
Word Count: >1000
Warnings: Not super smutty, but there is some happy boob imagery, so if that offends you, please don't read. Also, bitch!Cousland.
Prompt: Cousland/Anyone. Need to see Cousland being a total bitch, very arrogant, very manipulative, very sexually experienced. Bonus points for F!Cous/Alistair, where she totally tries to seduce him when she finds out he's a prince.
Not as smutty as I wanted it, but it is something, which is good for my writer's block. Also, I'm a fan of bitch!Cousland.
Also, please check out the kink meme
here, please!
"Don't be ridiculous." She scoffed, filing her nails into claws without even looking up at him. "Of course I love you."
And she did. The only aphrodisiac stronger than power was money, and she had had enough of both to know which one she preferred.
"Do you?" He questioned, doubt riddled across his face. "You barely said two words to me before, and now suddenly it's all gifts and kisses. What changed?"
He revealed himself to be the sole heir to the Ferelden throne. "Nothing's changed. I love you."
He still looked unsure, so she unbuttoned her blouse, revealing to him a pair of perfect breasts that sixteen generations of impeccable breeding guaranteed she'd inherit. His jaw practically hit the floor.
"Alistair," She whispered, her voice husky and low. "Do you want me?
Of course he did. All men did. She'd destroyed more men with her breasts than she had with the daggers hoisted on her hips.
It was all he needed. "Maker..."
He kissed her fully, fingers grasping desperately at her breasts. He wasn't the best kisser, but he was getting better at it. Even if he didn't, it was something she could live with.
She could live with a lot of things if it meant she gained control over the throne.
She moaned against him, hands buried in the softness of his hair as his lips moved down, tasting the smooth skin of her long neck. His hands cupped her breasts, fingers rubbing circles around her nipples.
“Maker, Elissa...” He breathed, his mouth following where his fingers were seconds ago. “I love you. I love you. I love--oh--"
While Alistair entertained himself with her body, mouth hot against her the smooth skin of her breasts, she began planning for her crown.