Recently I've tried my hand at actual comedy writing, not just smart-alec sarcasm like normal. With hopes high I submitted my first article to
Cracked. Their response was....
They rejected it.
Apparently the premise was 'too vague' or I wasn't 'listening to their criticism' or something. So armed with my new vague impressions of why they rejected it, I wrote a new article knowing that I've fixed the problems. Their response was....
They rejected it again.
So, I said screw it and started my own web site. I noticed there were a lot of other submissions that were good but
Cracked only takes so many submissions and given the volume they can be picky.
So, here is the web site. It has a little bit of PG-13 language (I don't swear in real life (unless I'm driving) but I will sell my soul to get a laugh) and not everything there is going to be written by me: