Observations #13

Jul 21, 2008 23:50

13: Cash. Cards. I have no idea how these things work here. Certainly, using plastic to pay for generic bumf is much less common than at home. So imagine my consternation at finding myself at the front of a card only queue in Ikea, having specially taken out >€ 100 in cash specifically to avoid potential checkout shenanigans! ... Only to have the situation then reach a fever pitch of farce when the machine refused my card - twice - while I accidentally gouged my finger and bled on my purchases, and waited for them to open a cash-only till to deal with the deranged bleeding guy whose card mysteriously wouldn't work. Why they don't just have tills that take, you know, cash and cards (stop me if I'm blowing your mind) is beyond me.

Still, all's well that ends well. And at least I now have actual bedding and won't be forced to construct a makeshift quilt using a towel, t-shirts, and a fucking mattress.


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