My bosses are wac bitches

Mar 09, 2004 01:05

Hey kids. Isn't it a pain in the ass when people who work above you do not have their shit together? So I worked my shift this morning, jumped on the trax, got home and then almost instantly got a call from work asking if I could cover a shift for ryan tonight. so I just said "sure, whatever, I need the hours" But its all good because he is quitting and they hired someone new so it should get back to normal. Good times. and there is a coffee place hiring. mmmm coffee... mmmm addiction. But as bad as my schedual can be its a job and a good one at that. Dana (remember her she is the chick from jamba juice) told me today that her shift ran from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. and brian had a similar shift at the factory. that sucks! waking up early sucks. speeking of her though. I might have a date on friday... ohhh yeah. but I am not sure, I need to talk to her tomorrow and figure it all out. Dates are so much fun! Well kids I am off to bed. I have been trying to rock the whole earlier to bed.. earlier to rise (I say earlier because lets face it... early is just not going to happen) Later kids.
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