Esprit Lexicon

Feb 24, 2008 22:59

I originally wrote this list as a means of keeping track of the language I'm developing; Eric's response to Chapter One, though, tells me that I should make some version of it publicly available. So, just for reference, I've got it all here--alphabetized and everything.

Of course, this isn't a complete list; something tells me I'll need a lot more words. (And there's a chapter I'm conceptualizing now which is based on the jokes inherent to accidentally overhearing a dirty conversation in a language that nobody thinks you know.)

to try, to attempt = aden
baby / infant = affa (often term of endearment for a child)
behind / past / in back = agal
before / in front / ahead = ago
someone = akadri
something = akaha
and = al
to touch, to feel = atlar
to die = auzin
dead = auzniti
big / great / long / tall = avu
beautiful = avvayuti
little / short = awa
dagger / hook = awanef
cute / pretty = awayuti
to be certain = ayashmat
stupid / foolish / silly / ridiculous = babasti
to depress, to sadden = balum
poor, pitiful = balunadi
sad = balundi
green = bán
origin = bara
father = bara
mother = barassa
God = bara vá tadafri (katon)
wound = blaki
pain = blaki atlar (lit. "to feel a wound")
to be wounded = blaki iset
joke = cheva
funny = chevamot
thousand = dafri
meat, flesh = daia
hundred = dara
front, face = daro
three = daz
red = déar
to meet = din
top / highest point = dín
you = do / dora (plur)
sweet = dokki (often used as a term of endearment)
hunt (n) = dóva
to hunt, to go hunting = dóvan
bottom / lowest point = doyona
to give = dulan
to send = edulan
young = efer
to take = emalan / egaran
to trap, to entrap = ekevlan
trapped, stuck = ekevlas'sti
to bring = empalan
to examine = enatlar
to catch (something thrown) = éshuk
blood = esspán (lit. "life's water")
to taste = etlar
or = evesh
either...or = evesh...evesh
to think / to believe = eyashmat
to live, to be alive, to dwell = ezin
alive = ezniti
five = fayé
day = fai
to allow / to let / to permit = garat
night = hafai
excited = haivati
eight = hat
thus / therefore / and so / anyway... = hevuri
to hurry = híkul
flower = hinna
tired = hushti
one = ikh
merely / only / just / simply = ikhlo (lit. "only")
old = íler
to be X'ed = iset
to know / to understand / to comprehend = ishmat
to prepare = ishvil
ready = ishvilti (lit. "prepared")
to smell = itlar
from / out of / about (cf. Yid.) = ive
to go, to leave = ivelár
to throw = iveshúk
to pull / to remove = ivezural
who = kadri
what = kaha
what time (is it now) = kahino
tree = kai
wood = kaidaya
sap (of a tree) = kaispán
ear = kanvi
where? = kari
why = katave
when (will) = kateb
when (was) = katek
thing = kato
real, solid = katoti
to make (someone do something) = kavar
how = kavuri
creation / created thing = kébar
thick / wide = ken
field, plain = kenkuai
sword = kennef
okay / all right = keriyo
trap (n) = kevla
because = kevro
child = kibar / kíba
to call, to name = kil
name, word for something = kila
true = kilti (cf. 'katoti')
truthfully = kiltilo
must... = kivi
echo = kohé
heart = kor
bad / evil = kule
wrong = kule
nine = kun
dirty = kuzzarai
body = levri
love / to love = lin
beloved / one's mate = lindri
mouth = magra / daromago
tooth = magranef
I = mai
we = maira
also, too, more, still = mal
everyone = maldri
everything = malha
You're welcome = malteb (lit. "anytime")
blue = mán
mountain = már
everywhere = marrari
adult = maura
to cry = mavat
like / as / similar to = moy
as if / as though = moyreb
drink (n.) = mutavi
to drink = mutavin
to thirst = mutavinnár
but / however = namo
no / not... = nan
no one = nandri
nothing = nanha
to want = nár
to bore = narlan
boring = narlanisti
fearless = natteverti
without = navari
ugly = nayuti
weakness = nazar
weak = nazarmot
loser = nazarri
blade = nef
to hinder = nekad
enemy = nekadri (lit. "hinderer")
beg, to ask for = nevor
Please = (Mai do) nevoret (lit. "I beg (you)")
two = nié
to owe = ondaelat
Thank you = Mai (vedo) ondaelatet (lit. "I owe you" / "I am in your debt"; cf. Por. "obrigado")
to apologize = osomin
to hear = otlar
in / within / upon = ove / ryawa
white = pál / pád
milk = palva
belly / stomach = palyá
navel = palyamago
rear, back = pún
edge / point = rad
fight, battle = radóva
to fight / to battle = radóvan
to cut = rádz
that = ram
there = rári
if = reb
this = rom
here = rori
he / she / it = sa
they = sara
sky = saran
to cheer (someone up) = sava
happy = savanti
to stop, to put an end to = serriset
to stop, to be stopped, to cease = serrit
to do = set (cf. Jpn. 'suru')
to speak = shavat
song; voice = shaya
to sing = shayat
thin = shen
spear = shennef, avu-shennef
seven = shev
salt = shuno
power, force = sor
muscle, sinew = sordaia
powerful = sormot
to calm (someone down) = sosét
calm (adj), becalmed = sosti
river = spafís
water = spán
fish = spavik
to fish, to go fishing = spavikin emalan
victory = spíya
winner = spíyadri
victorious = spíyamot
overly / too (much, etc.) = sudi
enough = súf
ten = ta
to make, to create = tabrad
the world = tadafri katon (lit. "the ten thousand things")
to madden, to drive crazy = tarán
crazy / maddened = taránti
food = tavi
to eat = tavin
to hunger = tavinnár
then (future) = teb
tomorrow = tebafai
then (past), back then = tek
yesterday = tekafai
now, right now = tere
today = terefai / romafai
fear (n) / to fear = tever
to see = utlar
behold! = utlarehae
to seem, to appear = utlar-iset
of = vá
with = vari
for, to, into, toward = ve
to come, to arrive = velár
to push / to insert = vezural
rain = viri
surprise (n) = vitra
to surprise = vitrat
to become = volto
by / by means of = vuri
arrow = winnef
bow (for arrows) = winnefkat
to entertain, to amuse = yalan
fun (adj.) = yalanisti
close = yeawa
far = yeavu
yes = yo
good, right = yoe
truly, really = yoe-kiltilo (cf. Jpn. 'honto ni')
sharp = yonefradni
clear / clean = yozarai
four = yú
idea = yulmi
fake / not real / insubstantial = yulmiti
to help, to aid = zakad
friend = zakadri (lit. "helper")
friendly, helpful = zakadriti
six = zakh
condition = zarai
full = ziken
very... = zikenlo
empty = zishen
(X-)self = zobi (cf. Jpn. 'jibun')
to be capable = zul (zulet = can)
dangerous / harmful = zulkul
safe / harmless = zulyo
to move (something) = zural
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