Jun 14, 2009 11:36
so i'm gonna sweep aside the heartbreak and disappointment, the weirdness of my mom's visit and her telling me homosexuality is wrong, i'm a whore, kelsey is a nutcase, i'm a polygamist, a sinner, and reciting the commandments to bring you all more new pictures of the kittens:
also, just registered for the Taking Action for Animals Conference in DC. Holy fuck I am so excited. Workshops on how to support or create your own animal sanctuary, how to care for animals in disaster situations, urban wildlife, etc. Also, Ginnifer Goodwin and Nellie Mckay!!!
i'm dedicating this week to jobhunting. well mostly. i worked on my resume all last week with the excellent editing help of karie so i spent this morning looking up addresses of animal hospitals to drop off my hopefully bangin resume to.first on my list is chicago exotics hospital. looking forward to spending some time at red door this week(the ringworm is almost cleared up on my neck) but i think eudora has possibly picked up some fungal infection which is now on her left paw. i've been applying lotrimin but i will have confirmation on the level of grossness circa monday at uptown. deep cleaning is in order.
saw betsy last night to give her harriet's charger. we had an awesome conversation. i wish i could have spent more time with her but she was wrapped up in the funeral and family drama while she visited. we talked about babies lots. she made me miss harriet and baltimore. i wish i could have visited home this week to see lb and caroline but i have to be responsible and get a job before i do any more extensive traveling, even at a discounted price thanks to my classmate.
this week is my summer break. please hang out with me so i don't become a lonely old fag living in a cat circus.