So thats what it feels like...

Sep 15, 2006 11:07

Long time between updates and I haven't even got round to posting about America; unfortunately this isn't about my trip either.

I woke up at 6:30 this morning.
Shaved, bathed, dressed nicely for a job interview I had at 8:30
Talked to parents, ate some breakfast, said bye and got in my car with my CV and a few rentals I had to return.
On my way into town, I looked down to adjust an air vent cause I was feeling a little hot under the collar.

When I looked up, I was halfway into the ditch.
I turned hard to pull myself out, but then over corrected.
And ended up back in the ditch anyway.
It was a head first collision, the force spun me completely around, 270 degrees.

My bumper ended up in the middle of the road and my glasses and bag were in the back seat at the end of it.
There was nothing I could do once I lost control, I just made sure there were no other vehicles involved.
I climbed out, retrieved my belongings, the shock and adrenaline blocking any pain I was going to feel later.

A dozen or so people stopped to make sure I was ok during the next 30 minutes, while I waited for my parents to arrive. They talked to me, amde sure I wasn't hurt, offered me everything under the sun from a ride home to using their cell to just sitting down in their car while I waited.
Damn good people in this country.

The cops came by, took a statement. There won't be too much trouble; I'll plead guilty to carelessness before the Justice and have to take driving re-training.
Ambulance came by and did a once over check. My shoulder will probably bruise up but otherwise I'd done well to walk away from it.

My parents aren't worried; they'd gotten their moneys worth out of the car, and I'm listed under mums insurance policy.
They half expected me as a young driver to have a semi-major accident sometime in the near future; they've both had their incidents and believe 1 is par for the course.
They're just glad I'm alright at the end of it and no one else was hurt.

And me?
How do I feel?

Angry....more than anything else.

Not because I crashed the car; not because I have to do the defensive driving course all over again; not even because I inconvienienced my parents.

No, it's the smallest thing, the thing that should be the LEAST of my worries.

Because I missed that god damned interview.

Spent the whole of this week attending workshops and seminars preparing myself for this interview and now I've got nothing to show. Got up early and dressed in my best and was willing to go the extra mile and it all for nought.
There will be another interview at a later date but I just feel it's been such a waste.

I'll post pics of the recently deceased later, once I find my USB cable.

But for now this is just me saying "I aen't dead" though god knows I've tried.

Peace everyone

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