
Sep 03, 2010 13:23

So apparently even posting once a month was beyond my capabilities.   I am going to try again starting this month!

None of the new shows are really appealing to me yet but I will PVR all of them and give them a shot.

Right now the summer TV that has me addicted is as usual Big Brother but the obsession isn't as bad as previous years.  I haven't really been rooting for anyone.  I don't find any of the truly offensive (annoying, sure) so there isn't even someone to root against.   Out of the 4 remaining, I would be okay with any of them winning the money.   The Saboteur gimmick was really lame though and I hope they don't repeat it.

My other guilty pleasure has been Wipeout.    The hubby and I end up laughing hysterically every episode despite his claims that the show is soooo lame.  I watched the British version the other day and was shocked that I thought the American version was better.  Usually, with limited exceptions, I find the Brit version superior.  With Wipeout, it was like it was a real competition with a few funny remarks, while the US version is absolutely insane and the telestrator really does add to it all.  Very surprising :)

Other than that, my life has just been work, study and look after the almost 3 year old.  AND prepping for the new baby boy.  The studying will be done in two weeks, work in 1 and half months and baby in 2 months.  Just have to make it a little further! 

big brother, tv

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