here's some links about lucid dreaming, which I highly recommend, btw; and here's some links about astral projection (if you're into that) God I am awesome.
Oh, one of my old skeletons stopped by my house randomly; Eric Ernst. I haven't spoken to him in three years. I guess that he's married now, owns a house, and works as an MP at the base that he's stationed at.
And he invited me to go hang out with all my other old highschool friends next Wendy'sday.
I have alot of social anxiety about this; I havent' done anything to keep in touch with them; and neither have they; except for Eric. He always contacts me about once a year around the holidays--- so I guess I'm going to go hang out with them anyway. There really isn't any good reason for me not to go see them; its just that I don't know what we have in common anymore.
Oh well. Maybe this is a healthy step for me to become a normal social being.
Oh, and I bought that Katamari game; it is the shiz-nit.