Thought I'd make a post about this, because... HOLY. CRAP.
I'm seriously hoping this is the last we will see of Lisa. Sick of her, and well, while I felt bad for Dean at the end of part one, and OH MY GOD Jensen Ackles hits emotional scenes out of the damn PARK, I honestly think that end was for the best. I didn't want her dead or anything, I just wanted her out of the picture.
I was enjoying the second episode of tonight for the most part; especially the parts inside Sam's head. SO AMAZING seeing all the different sides of him. It made this Sam boy squee in delight. It just shows how awesome Jared Padalecki is as an actor. It was just that kind of showcase. And Dean's concern for his Sammy always gets to me... there was no exception here.
I was enjoying it, well at least the dramatic aspect of it... until much later on in. Honestly, that ending didn't feel right to me. It felt like a segment was missing or something. Cas is now God? What?! And what the fuck about Sam's wall?! WHAT. ABOUT. THE. WALL. I thought it was supposed to be tumbling down or something like that according to Kripke. I remained about at least 99% spoiler free, as I usually do, so all I knew were that Lisa and Ben would be in the finale and those couple or so sentences said by Kripke at the Paley Center which were posted on twitter. The wall comment and saying who'd have more focus in each episode. So, I was expecting something major to happen in the final moments in regards to the wall and Sam's future. Because this show is usually pretty damn good with cliffhangers in that regard. I didn't understand this ending at all. The final scene of "Unforgiven" had a better "OMG WTF just happened to Sammy?!!!!1!!11one!11" kind of ending than this actually.
Oh, and Dean using the words "butt buddy" and "dick" in the same sentence? GUH, and UNF. More of this, please! That and the other bottom Castiel references? This show really is burning any remaining heterosexual bridges it has left. LMAO.
But seriously... WHAT ABOUT THE WALL???? Thank God this show was renewed; if it ended like this I would have lost it. Kripke and Gamble, you are going to be the death of me.