Mar 10, 2007 09:23
I really want to go back to bed, but can't because I'm firing missles out of my ass. Wait, let me explain.
Last night, Ben, Scooter, Austin and I went to Quaker Steak. Well, we finally man'd up and tried the atomic wings. And wow, definitely the hottest wings available in Ohio. You eat them and at first you feel nothing. Then, suddenly your mouth starts burning like hell, then you sweat like crazy, then you get really bad cold chills and your nose starts running, finally it tops off with a really bad stomach ache the second you stand up. Finally, at I found out at about 8 this morning, you get the worst shits ever. But, as an upside, the wings actually taste really good. I know that sounds weird after what I just said, but they do. The only downside is that after only one, I couldn't eat anymore because my mouth hurt so bad. I have 3 sitting in my fridge right now, and there's a chance I may be dumb enough to eat them. Or try to. Oh, and I ate more of my wing (like, the whole wing) than anyone else there who all just took little bites. So yeah, in your face Scooter.
On another, less spicey note: 300 is a really fun movie. It's the only time I've ever enjoyed a movie in which about 1/2 of it is in slow motion. Also, on a crappier note, we had to sit through the trailer for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie. Anyone who goes and sees that is officially on my "lolz u suck" list. The show itself is horribly stupid, and the trailer reeked of the same stupid "omgzrandomwacky" humor. The stupid chicken on fire thing was lame, yet the entire theater busted up laughing. I hate Adult Swim.
And I got a speeding ticket for going 59 in a 40 zone. But, in my defense, the cop was sitting right at the 55 sign at the bottom of a hill, and I just sped up a little too much a little too early. Oh well, there's no point in being pissed, because it was pretty funny, and because it's just a speeding ticket. Speeding tickets are nothing.
Last night we went to Wal-Mart at about 11:30, and saw a van full of Mexicans get out. It didn't make sense because I'm pretty sure Jalisco's was still open.