Mar 04, 2009 13:40

I admit extreme amusement at finding myself carrying through with, of all things, a "truth or dare" game, considering recent events- but in all honestly, this is especially needed in light of recent events.

The Truth was: "When you were little, did you have anything you clung to for security from night terrors, and did you call for help?"

I hereby reveal that my guardian during the night watch was Steggy, fearsome shield of ages:

Now I know that the Stegosaurus supposedly had a brain the size of a walnut, but Steggy had a P.h.D in kicking asses. Whenever the denizens of the night would press their attack against the ramparts of my bed, I'd thrust Steggy out from beneath the blankets and his terrifying glare, full of rage and malice, would send those assholes packing.

I carried him everywhere, and loved him to death. I still have him stored away somewhere.

I never did call for help in the middle of the night. I think I was afraid that said help would never arrive- but Steggy was always dependable.

Now, the way this works is that the game continues from here, except you folks now comment on my journal and ask me for a "truth" challenge, or a "dare," which I then dole out.


truth or dare

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