Jun 12, 2006 22:46
I got off the sofa at 6 this morning. I have a bed, but it was the marital one and I have not been able to sleep in it since the person who once pretended to be my wife walked out the door three years ago. Arcardi was eager for a walk and I needed the exercise-my ex wifes cat bit into my calf muscle a week ago and left it infected so I wanted to keep the fluids from pooling in the area. Arcardi is a Kelpie cross, which means that in reality he pulls me around our walk trail. For a while he was pulling me around on my bike, but one morning he spotted a pair of running shoes some kid had left on his front lawn and immediately went for those. It happened to be bin morning, so the foot path was cluttered with green wheelie bins-which was fine because we had trained to go around them. Well anyway he went for the shoes and sent me straight into one of these bins. I thought as I approached it: "well this isn't going to be too bad, after all its only full of household rubbish". Hitting the bin must have been akin to hitting a brisk wall: I bounced off the bin, was thown off my bike and onto the road. Fortunately it was early morning so there was no traffic about.
When I got home I feed Arcardi, Thomas and Muska-my ex wife left me with two cats-and the fish in my ten tanks. Then I took my endorax-endorax is an anti depressant which stimulates the brain and increases focus and concentration- and an anti biotic for my leg.
At work I am an Analyst for Western Power. At the moment I have a stack of contracts to prepare-it is about as interesting as watching two flies having a starring competition, but it pays the bills. Tomorrow night and Wednesday night I have shifts at the center where I engage in suicide intervention and talking to people with mental illnesses or people who are just lonely and need to hear another human voice. I have the fire watch at the center on Saturday night: 8.30pm till 8am Sunday morning. I have to do the shift alone too-which is ok as long as one does not have a suicide intervention to handle: that is really a two person job.
My nightly routine consists these days of looking after my tanks, and working on my web site. My fish business is a five year project. Five years because I reckon thats how long it is going to take to master the breeding aspect of things. Also my web site is pretty basic stuff and I need to upgrade my pentium 2 for something that can handle the bigger graphics packages and not crash all the time. If you haven't checked out my web site, please do. It is at www.pets-in-water.com.au
My evening is supposed to conclude with my nightly medication routine: 1 nexium; 1 tasic; 1 motillium; 1 lexapro; 1 iron tablet; 1 calcium supplement with vitimin D tablet; and a little Xanax to help me sleep. Xanax does help to suppress my anxiety but it has long since been any help in getting any sleep. The first three medications are for my stomach. I have an eroded esophagus caused by celiac desease-so the first three tablets are for the stomach, the supplements are to help with the celiac desease. My calcium was down to 17 on my last blood test.
Tomorrow I get up at five and head for the river to paddle by Kayak. Then it will be off to work, then off to the center which will make it arounf midnight by the time I get home.
I hope you are all doing well, and please do check out my web site if you haven't already seen it. I am working on a couple of photo essays. My next big one will be about mollies. It will be a mollie eye veiw of the world in a mollie dominated aquarium.
I had better go-I am still hungry: did I mention I have hypoglycemia as well from the celiac desease.