Most of my posts are friend-locked. I'm sorry for that, but that's how I feel more comfortable. There is a certain circle of people I've friended and I know they're not gonna be bashing or react stupid to anything I post. This is a personal journal, so I need some relatively safe space. Keep in mind that I'm direct, blunt and can get pretty harsh and politically incorrect at times, so if you're suffering from severe courtesy, might find it pretty windy around here at times, as I tend to use wording similar to "FUCK" quite often, especially on issues I have strong enough opinion on. And I often do - I tend to discuss passionately, to a point it might make me seem judgmental. I think I'm not, but in any case - consider that as a warning too. To spare yourself unpleasant surprises on my points of view, better check the list of communities I'm into. My interests are quite vast - some of them I'm completely into, others I'm interested in only from theoretical or professional point of view, and only a tiny part of it is represented by my membership. Either way if any of them scandalizes you, this journal is probably not the right place for you.
Consider yourself warned about something though - from time to time here might be found some light or heavy erotic images [read: soft- or hard-core porn photos] and they will be exclusively of male or male/male variety [read: gay porn/erotica type of it]. And despite I normally always put everything under cut, if you find any part of this option offensive or displeasing, you might want to skip me.
Frankly, I wouldn't say here's anything interesting enough to be attractive for anyone, and I mean that. I'm way better at commenting on other people's posts than writing my own, but if you find yourself so curious, just let me know here. I'll see what I can do.