I know what your thinking ;) Chapter 5 already? It seems like this generation is going really fast!
If you didn't see the news about the Halloween chapter, basically I can't do it, but I'm gonna make it up to you by killing KingKongJr >:)
This chapter's shorter than I thought. However, next chapter is loooong :D I think it'll be my longest yet!
Don't expect it out really quickly... I'll try and get it out soon, I've got all the pictures but I need to upload them to PB and then spend a few hours posting it :)
On with the chapter!
Ahh, the little town of Champs les Sims <3 Again, sorry but this chapter is the shortest this generation by far... there's not much to do in Champs les Sims as there is in Egypt and China.
Dahlia: No grandchildren? No evil son? No perverted man watching me while I garden? Are you being.... nice to us? :O
Ha, Ha, Ha.
Jerome: Hmm.. I've never seen a board that sparkles before! Let's see... the most interesting thing is exploring some boring tomb... *sigh*
I can't have you doing anything more extreme or you might put your back out.
I sent Dahlia to sample some of the nectar, and she decided to catch the 'Bus le noir', or the hardcore bus for rebellic french kids.
Dahlia: Nar itz alreet pet dis bush is kush.
Jerome: Well 'imma ride my bike until I get home!
Mark Ronson & The Business International... listen to this song, you won't regret it!
Click to view
Jerome: Yo chick. What's the mission?
Chick: Well I lost my baseball in a tomb filled with shizzle and I need you to get it. COS YOU KNOW WE'RE IN RECESSION, AND I JUST CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY ANOTHER ONE.
Dahlia: Time to drink wine that doesn't make me drunk...
Dahlia: *slurps*
Jerome: How come you get to watch X Factor while I'm here looking at a brick wall?
Because Paije Richardson is amazing XD
Jerome: I put my long limb into the wide open hole and KABLAMO! That's how Fern was born. Putting my arm into this similarly large hole brings back some memories.
Jerome: I'm just gonna put the HEART OF DAVY JONES 'arr into this keystone k.
And there you have it ;)
Dahlia: Voice can't be bothered to look after me and you, so I'm coming down here to be a second hand.
Dahlia: But an arrow sticking out of my arse was not part of te deal ¬_¬
Dahlia: OMG... It's almost nice to look at compared to me.
Jerome: And this ishow we made Marley!
Dahlia: I am le chef de mastre ;D
Dahlia: See? I can make pancakes now.
Dahlia: Her boobs are so... upright. Now if Justin married girl like her, I would have nothing to worry about. She wouldn't nearly take my place as Twinbrook's sexiest jammy dodger!
Broom Brooooooom!
On another note, Fast Lane Stuff is the first pack for TS3 that I'm definitley not getting... you can download plenty of nicer cars from the internet for free :) But Late Night and the rumoured seasons EP I should be getting :D
Jerome: So I got your baseball back if you want it.
Chick: Oui! Mon soeur j'adore le baseball, et je deteste le roux/ginger cheveaux! Merci moinseur.
And that's what my 3 yearsof doing French amounts to XD I'm better in my Russian class, trust me
Dahlia: My heart beats every second for you.
Your heart beats every second anyway? :L
Dahlia: I wonder if she's noticed me yet!
French Person: Je vous entends idiot.
Dahlia: OMG she spoke a language and I didn't understand a word of it!And she's about to kiss me!
French Person: Je deteste les touristes aux cheveux roses...
It happened again >:( There was a few more pictures of them leaving but they didn't upload to PB.
Sorry for the short chapter, but I have to leave it here. Next chapter will definitley make up for it, I promise! There will be... 6 birthdays? Craaaaaazy XDDDD
I've decided I'm gonna take every old couple on holiday just before they reach 90. Dahlia's 88 and Jerome 86, so I wanted to give them a good time before they croak. Which won't be for a while, because they're Veggies and they live longer :)
Until next time, well, I dunno. Have a fun week! I think I'm gonna see Paranormal Activity 2, and then Social Network/Vampires Suck so it should be pretty good :) If I can get into PA2, I hope a 13 year old can pass for 15 lol.