The Hollister Legacy. Generation 3-Chapter 5

Jul 30, 2010 10:04

Welcome back to the Hollister legacy!
Last time, Justin aged into a child, Jerome aged into an adult and Fern also aged up into a teenager.
As you can tell from the title picture... this chapter isn't going to be starting off on a high.

Meet the new legacy fish! I stocked 2 but forgot that there was 2 in already. Meet Lady GaGa, JLS, Jerome Jr and Evil Minion #1 (The last one was named by Justin =))

Esme: I'm on the toilet.

Chris: I'm watching you on the toilet.

I'm about to be sick.

Fern: Ouchies! Space command, it seems my mission has failed!

I told you this chapter wasn't going to start on a high =(

Fern: The evil electrons have got me Space command!

Fern: Avenge me...

The poor mini-Jerome =((

Fern: ;)

R.I.P Fern =/

Esme: The poor tv! It was so young ='(

Grim. I think it's not very good how the first death in this household was a teenager.

Grim: Don't forget the misfortunates of your other families...

Pffft. What other families?


Fern: I always wanted to die in my underwear! Now I can look hot wherever I go, and your stuck with me 'till the end >=D

Fern: It was worth dying just to meet you! Even if my hair is a mess.

Fern: I'll be seeing my grandparents pretty soon...

No, not in this chapter at least. They're in it quite a bit towards the end, you'll see why.

Fern was an adorable toddler, and even at that young age it was easy to tell that she was her fathers daughter.

Jerome's genes stayed evedent throughout her insane childhood.

And into her teen years.

And who can forget the meeting of the gingers? XD

Fern got her tiny little grave, but sadly no way to contact space command DX

Esme: This will teach him to kill my granddaughter...

Esme: RAWR!

Grim: OMFG! I haven't been this scared and shocked since I kept on getting told how I stank of cat litter =(

Esme: Your so boring you make clouds look attractive!

Esme: She was the only chance of gingers carrying on the legacy! SHAME =(

Ah well... hopefully Jerome's genes will shine through.

Like his mother, Jerome wasn't at all happy about his only ginger daughters passing. Almost everyone went to mourn at her grave simoultaneously.

The house seemed empty with 4 adults and 2 kids, so Jerome took it upon himself to 'order a new one'

Jerome: Yes, I want one kid, and its got to be a girl because my daughter died and we're in need of a girl that isnt a constant grump *coughmarleycough* And it would be cool if they were ginger, too.

Dear lord. Everybody welcome the new (absoloutley adorable!) member of the Hollister legacy, Maple Hollister! I'll show you a picture of her makeovered self and her traits in a few =)

Jerome: *noms on hair*

Maple: Errr... is this normal?

I warned you she was adorable! Maple won't be able to be heir, but if people like her enough then I'll do a chapter on her life outside the house. Somehow, I think she might try and convert Justin to the good side of the force ;)

Glitch child.

Justin: Oh Fern! I never did get the chance to make you my second minion.

Dahlia was finding it harder than anyone to get over the death of her child, she was constantly mourning.

Marley: Does that glitched bitch think that she can replace Fern? Nonsense.

Shut up Marley XP

Marley: That TV is just evil. I don't like evil. Consequently, I no longer like that television in paticular.

Marley: Omg! New dad is totally fit. I'm just going to look towards Justin to pretend I'm not secretly aroused.

Do you realise you said all of that aloud?

Marley: Hey, if evil villains can say their plan aloud and have no consequences, so can I. Right?

Justin: Little does she know, I am plotting a plan to destroy all coco-pops! Muahahaha =D

Is anyone else in love with this picture? <333

Justin: Oh crap, I think she's onto me. She keeps on looking back at me =O

Chris: Time to fix this TV once and for all!


Esme: This CoD stuff is really addicting!

I should know XP I used to be on all the time... but then I got WA and fell in love with sims again.

If you can remember all the way back to Gen 1 Chapter 5 (it seems so long ago!) then this picture of Jerome reminds me of the title page :) He just looks older.

Dahlia: Jerome I need the toilet.

Jerome: Can't talk. Playing CoD.

Esme: I just got a UAV! =D

Jerome: Oh please, that is so 12 kills ago.

Dahlia: Jeroome! I insist you take me to the toilet! Nowwww!

Jerome: After this one game...

Dahlia: But this game dosen't finish for another 8 minutes and 46 seconds!

Dahlia: I just can't simply wait that long!

Jerome: Oh shit, knife! WTFF? I so killed you there!

Esme: Look, it says it there! ginga_ninja97 ended xiJer0m3ix's kill streak! I feel so proud XD

Dahlia: Just gonna stand there and watch me piss myself?

Justin: I'm confused... why are we sitting here doing homework whilst 4 of the 7 Horcruxes' are still unfound? We need to find them and return them back to Lord Voldemort safely!

*If you have read the last book of Harry Potter, I officially love you.

Justin: Hmmm... Which two books does Voldemort not appear in again?

*whispers* Prisoner of Azkaban and Half-Blood Prince =) HP nerd here.

Justin:  I knew that.

Jerome: Out of my way old woman! I'm one kill away from my lucky 7th nuke!

Jerome: I've gone and died now, ARGHH!

It's Marley's birthday! =P

Marley: *shewwww*


Marley: Get out of my way you stupid sparkles! =@

To my suprise, Marley grew up looking quite a bit like Fern. Marley had adventurous locked in as her 4th trait.

Esme: Hmmm.. Whats the number for Al Simhara again?

Chris: Seeya suckers, we're off to Egypt!

Chris: Hmmm.. I can't read a thing. Damn Hyroglyphics.

Esme: this place could do with a good clean up...

Chris: That pot is all cracked! It's so sad.

Let's get on with the adventure already.

Esme: ooooh! SHINY XD

I lost the other pictures, so lets end the chapter here =) Esme and Chris got a load of money from Egypt collecting gems (They went there with 2,000 and came back with 14k, considering I bought Esme a camera that's pretty good) And Esme also gained tons of Lifetime points, so I spent them on Hardly Hungry, Steel Bladder, the little sleep one and the Higiene one. So far from painting, she's got the family funds up to 23k to spend! I might choose to build an upstairs to extend the home because I think I've done as much as I can decoratingwise.

Please comment =) Also, if you would like Marley to have her own chapter just say =D. Also, my game is acting up with downloads in .sims3pack files. So spouse submissions may not work, again =/

~Keep Simming!

generation 3

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