The Hollister Legacy- Generation 5 Chapter 3

Mar 04, 2011 22:51

Photobucket wouldnt upload the title page, so enjoy our butler :D

LJ Cut isn't working AGAIN for me so sorry for spamming your friends page :(


Bonnie: I wouldn't actually mind this, but it means I'm in the same age zone as the wrinkled old hag that is Dahlia >:(

Hehe, she's not that bad ;)

Bonnie: You don't know the half of it.

Bonnie: I wish that Jake would play us more so Dahlia can die and I don't have to be stuck listening to her moaning whilst we're temporarily frozen.


Rose: I can't wait till I can grow old and retire :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

You never work anyway, your always pregnant...

Dahlisle: This is highly uncomfortable.

Carlisle: Grandma, lets agree to never do that again.

Dahlia: Don't talk to me, peasant.

Rose: This is swell right?

Dahlia: I hope that bitch dies.

Bonnie: Get me to a mirror. No words. Whatsoever.

Rose: Her clothes are making me nauseous.

I didn't think Bonnie grew up that bad. She looks like one of the prettiest elders I've had :)

Rose: Blotch.

Rose: Pregnant again? I'm starting to wonder if Carlisle has ever heard of protection ;)

Parsley: Does nobody pay attention to me?

Parsley: Now I know how Harry Potter felt ¬_¬

Matthew: Yes, I am THE Matthew Hamming. 5 Star A-List celeb and Oscar nominated actor :D

Dahlia: Marry him, kill him, get his inheritance.

Matthew: Well hello there young man ;)


Dahlia: He is so rich!

Carlisle: He is so hot!

All Carlisle seemed to be thinking about was about Matthew...

Carlisle :/

Meanwhile, Basil discovered the toy his great grandfather used to sleep with :)

Basil: Hmmm... I have a suspicious feeling that something suspicious is hiding in this susipicious blue box.

Sorry... skipped ahead a bit.

Rose: Oh I REALLY hate having kids :(

It's a GIRL! I named her Cassia, and to spare you with pictures of the birthday her toddler pic and traits are below.

I think shes adorable :D

Dahlia: Another birthday? I feel old already.

I love this :')

Basil: I is well cool

Basil added Grumpy to his list of traits. How can you have a couch potato that loves the outdoors?

 Basil: So, this must be my new room.

Basil: Oh

 Basil: My

 Basil: God! That seriously isn't my room is it?

It is :D your favourite colours pink and your grumpy so I decided to use that to my advantage.

Basil: I hate people.

 Cassia: Awmigawd! A booger <3

 Parsley: Where is my cool grandma, the one with pink in her hair? I demand her instantly!

Bonnie: Oh that lady isn't your real grandmother, no... She's your great-grandmother. I'm the real thing right here!

 Parsley: Sometimes fake is better.


Carlisle: So Basil, did you see Matthew Hamming in our house the other day? He looked so nifty in that suit!

 Basil: I don't feel comfortable having this conversation with my father.

 Carlisle: I feel like I'm going to burst...

 Make sure you don't hit the camera.

 Dahlia: I'm an A-Listed celebrity and I'm having cake for breakfast? What kind of world am I living in?

My world <3

 Dahlia: There. You know I'm on a diet and I've already ate half of it, but I'm not eating the other half.

Dahlia: I mean look at this place! It's filthy.

 Flies: She got that right.

 Dahlia: I need a butler.

 Dahlia: Is there not a discount price for celebrities?... Dahlia Hollister, famous around the world for my band. You've.... you've never heard of me? Oh you have got to be kidding.

Dahlia: I'm dating Matthew Hamming! Four star celebrity? Out of five? Ah just be here at 6.

 This is our butlers bedroom. I might fire him, extend the basement and make a little area for Dahlia if she lives that long.

 Dahlia: Matthew, baby! Listen I was wondering if you'd like to come over to Aquarius with me, they need me to dance there to raise my profile.

 Dahlia: Nobody says no to Dahlia Hollister!

Looks like he just did.

 Dahlia: WOWEAareshitatactuallybotheringtomakeanexpansionthatfillsbars so lets get this party started!

 Dahlia: I feel so alive!

 Dahlia: Look, even the bouncers coming over to jive with me!

 Dahlia: A 1 star nobody and a plain nobody! RUN AWAAAAAAAAY.

 Bimbo: My moustache will win elections!

 Bimbo: It has a mind of its own you know.

 Our butler arrived... finally.

 Jeeves: As the head of this household and a leading vampire, you should be ashamed of the mess this house is in. Hang thy head in shame!

Justin: What used to please me is that I used to be the star of this legacy, now I'm degraded to one line per chapter :(

As the great Nelson Muntz would say: HAHA.

End of the chapter! Not sure when the next one will be out because I'm not really enjoying writing them but I'll try :D

Keep Simming


generation 5

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