The Hollister Legacy. Rosalie and Matt's Chapter

Nov 07, 2010 17:25


Justin: What happened to our bed? And my clothes?

Bonnie: Vampires Suck.

This house is really glitched... the laundry just appeared there O.o

Alice: The worst thing is, my hairs gone. Perfect >_>

House moving time! I won't bother showing you a house tour yet because there is literally almost no furniture... just the bare essentials. I'll post a tour when theres more furniture :)

Dahlia: My hair dissapeared? Again? Really?

Yes. Dahlia's normal hair dissapeared and I can't find the site, so I had to put the hair you all saw last chapter. if someone can find her original hair i'd be really greatful :D

Gnome: Howdy there!

I don't think this gnome actually moves... at all XD

This is Rosalie's spouse, Matt Mason! On a different note, I've decided the naming theme for this Generation will be Herbs and Spices. Names like Rosemary, Jasmine, Basil, Mace and Orgemo DX

Bella: Wassup man wass happening?

Rosalie: Time to get sexy ;)

Rosalie wasn't the one who suprised me most when they aged up... try and guess who did ;)

Carlisle: Hey LOSERS. I powned you in that poll.

Rosalie: At least I won't still be living with my parents when I'm 40.

Carlisle: Wooo go me! :D

I've just realised that unless Carlisle dies super old then Justin will see his own son die :O Bonnie will be quite young for a grandmother too, but as soon as her instruments are maxed she's back to being human :)

Bella: I wish to grow up hotter than Rosalie!

Rosalie: I wish to grow up hotter than all my siblings!

Alice: And I wish to be just as hot as grandma!

No... comparing yourself and your grandmother as equally hot is just wrong XDD

Dahlia: I've raised her so well.

Rosalie grew up stunning. She rolled neat as her final trait.

Bella was the one I was suprised at. She turned out absolutely gorgeous. Between you and me, I think that she would make a great heiress :)

There wasn't much change in Alice, but she looks very pretty as a YA.


Rosalie, are you crying?

Rosalie: Of course not. I'm moving on to bigger and eviler things *sniff*

Matt: Aaaa-choo!

Rosalie: *flirts*

I love the new lifetime reward thing :) Master of seduction? It makes things so much easier!

Matt: Ohmygoshaprettygirlisactuallytalkingtome! *squeal*


Rosalie: Cya l8r bbzkthxlvu.

Your leaving?

Rosalie: I'm tired and I think I'm going to piss myself. I'll talk to the kid later, and he'll get what he wants ;)

Matt: She make my heart pound!

Rosalie: What evil deed should I commit next? >:)

Rosalie: Maybe I'll kill this crappy sink!


Sink: That's alright because I love the way it hurts...

I'm listening to the Top 40 (wif da 1 and only reggie yates, love him) so sorry if theres a lot of lyrics in here...

Matt: Matt, you've caught yourself a babe here! SCORE :D

Awrh <3

Rosalie: I refuse to look at you to ask, but will you be my boyfriend?

I think I'll take that as a yes...


Go get 'em sistah.

Matt: I am so cool.

Matt: JLS wanted me in their crew, and so did The Wanted, but I'm too cool for them too...

Matt: Hell, even Roll Deep want me!

These have a strong relationship ;)

Rosalie: Let's party hot stuff.

I'm suprised there was no Paparazzi round, they follow Dahlia everywhere... Rosalie's only had one follow her XD

Matt: Let the sun shine!

Rosalie: Honey, we don't have seasons yet.


Rosalie: I have to admit Matt, your face is making me sick.

Matt: That's just mean.

Rosalie: ey, wanna get hitched?



As soon as they moved into the new house (just a pre-made) Rosalie got preggaz! bruv.

Matt: I bet I can eat all this pizza.

Oh god, what happened to the pizza?

Matt: I ate it but then I got hungry...

And he did all this by himself... that's a slob for you.

Rosalie still loves him though <3


It's a BOY! Mace Hollister rolled two of his mothers traits, Athletic and Evil... this makes it 3 Generations of evil in a row *shudders* Justin, Rosalie and Mace.... this can't be good.

I tried to age Mace up but it wouldn't let me :( That's all for this chapter, I've already got the pictures for Alice and Bella's chapter. You won't see their kids but I'll update later on, so it will be supershort...


generation 4

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