Jun 27, 2006 15:46
firstly to my muther... well i'm sorry if i cant spel... someone actually needs to tell me HOW you spell things like consciounce, or whatever, rather that just schimpfing at me bis in die ewigkeit. und da ich ehe deutsch als englisch spreche, schreibe, LEBE... und da ich mein englisch vergessen habe...habe ich ein excuse, denk ich mal. ... mämi.. stell dir vor, du wärst in deutschland und würdest kein wort english lesen.... here they learn grammar, but we learn spelling! and i'm sorry if i can't remember every litle wierd letter that could be i or er or a at the end, or a in the middle or e or even i, not to mention the 'el' or 'le' endings. erg.
mannheim was really fun... we danced and partied into the night, sweated away in the sauna that was the school hall, danced with various germans and the irish exchange student who agreed with me that we'd be shot at home if ppl knew we were waltzing around the dance floor. afterwards we went out to the most noisy club and i sat there fairly unconcernedly slurping down abobut ten euros worth of vodka (which wasn't actually all that much... only that the bottle cost 110 euros, and some guy in a white suit made an entreprenerial sweep of that hand holding his cuban cigar and said, 'kätie... bittte!'')
hope all is well in the fairytale land of oz!