Here's what I did yesterday!
- 06:01 Dear Universe: WHY DID YOU MAKE ME GET UP AT 5AM. #
- 09:05 It's official - must change hosts. Will get around to details after nappage. #
- 11:59 Just realized how badly I need a shower. Off I go! #
- 12:23 Ah, much better. Now to think about the problems involved in getting new hosting. I've had two free offers, just not sure how to do it. #
- 12:59 RT @TheBloggess "How the Web Created the Bloggess". So basically I'm *your* fault. #
- 14:25 I am the BANDWITCH! Fear my HTML WRATH! #
- 16:02 Finding my cached content. I wish I could remember all the titles... #
- 16:47 RT @Birdiee New at Bonne Vie: A Better Barbie #
- 16:55 Fuck this day. I can't communicate with anyone unless it's 140 characters or less. #
- 17:02 It's so frustrating that I can't seem to put my thoughts/beliefs into words; particularly when it's things I feel are vital. #
- 18:02 roflcopter RT @notitles Why does anyone eat liverwurst? If God wanted us to make ice cream out of salt and spare pig parts, wed need to talk #
- 18:20 I just bought a new domain name through GoDaddy. It's telling me I have "Free Hosting" on that domain. Should I use it? #
- 19:42 Grrr...I can't get my HST post or my cunt post to appear in Google's cache. Very sad. #
- 20:42 Got as many old posts from JTP as I could, but still missing HST post and the cunt post. Heavy losses. #
Questions? Comments? Amusing stories? Let me know!