The Enemy of My Enemy ...

Dec 27, 2008 03:35

Characters: LJ, DJ and Erol [CLOSED]
Continuity: This sort of thing.

//Dark Maker language//
"Normal language"


//We've gotten all we can out of this one.//

//He has...//

//Has what? Mental instability? DARk Eco? He's too weak to be of further use and too dangerous to retain.//

//Dangerous, him? He's nothing.//

//He's a nothing who thinks he should be somEthing and he's beeN exposed to enough of our Inner worKINgs to make troublE. DON't underestimate this one, remember what he's capable of with the right equipment.//

//Equipment we gave him -//

//Doesn't matter. We've gotten everything usEful from him, he should be discarded.  Before hE turns like a bAd kniFE.//


Erol schooled his face to careful neutrality, an expression he'd honed working for Praxis. The Dark Makers didn't know he could understand them. Something they did to him when they brought him back... maybe the same thing that made him feel both stronger and less... controlled.

But none of that mattered now.  They were done with him.... just as Light had said.

Damn him.

"eROl.  Run a bIo scan on tHe priSOners.  That wilL be alL for t0day."

Erol nodded with respect and backed away from the creatures before heading towards the cells.  Just as well; if the Makers were going to screw him over, he would screw THEM over.  Like hell they could keep the results of his work while he fucked off.  No, he would take what was valuable with him.

He approached Light first.  Erol was more sympathetic to Dark, but also knew the pale transformation would happily gut him within seconds of the door unlocking.  He needed Light's influence... as much as the thing's Eco made his skin crawl.

Was Light Eco really supposed to feel like that?

Eh, whatever.

"Pssst.  Boy.  Wake up."

Erol triggered the lock on the cage door, slipped cautiously inside.  It was fucking risky, but everything he'd learned so far indicated that Light Eco was defensive, not offensive.  What could he do?  Even though he felt damned uncomfortable being in the same space, there was no time for such squeamishness now.  The sooner they were gone out of here, the better.
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