Title: My Little Jungmin [One-shot]
Fandom: SS501
Pairings: MinSaeng and HyunKyu
Rating: PG [ Alcohol usage] [Author's abuse of MinSaeng] [Abuse of Kyu Jong's innocence]
Author's Notes: Here it is, the MinSaeng fic I promised to
yeonah . I remember a comment from
s2_otter saying that I should make a sequel to my last Minsaeng fic in which Saengie never died. lol I did put a mini reference to that fic into this one just for her. I'm drunk off of pretzels, rice and Grape juice and when that happens this is the outcome. Also, the title came from another ending I had for this fic...but honestly..i was just to lazy to change it now. *grins* Just think about it long enough and be happy with the title lol/ I hope you enjoy it Yeonah. Happy new year everyone!
I have a request post. If you would like to request a fic
There was one day, One day of the year that Jungmin hated. One time that Sexy Charisma would loose all traces of happiness and walk around with a scowl on his face. That day....was News Years Eve.
In truth it seemed a bit cliche to hate the last day of the year, for many reasons. Firstly, the last year was coming to and end. A whole new year was starting and other pointless things that made the last day of the year suck. But no...those reasons, no number of reasons a person's mind could come up with could explain why Jungmin hated News Years Eve. In truth, even he at times would pretend he didn't know why. Never the less the day would come, and Jungmin would scowl.
"Jungmin!" Hyung Joon's voice broke the silence of the dorm like a roll of thunder would a silent night. "Why are your toe socks in my dresser!?"
Kyu Jong had been asked once again to put the clothes away, this time..or maybe it was just Kyu Jong's habit. He always mixed up someone's clothes.
Jungmin, scowl on his lips, walked in grabbed the toe socks from the dresser and walked out. Hyung Joon swatted the air after him as if by some chance Jungmin would feel the playfully grumpy slaps. He of course, didn't.
Walking into the main room of the dorm he sat down on the sofa which faced the TV. Slipping his toe Socks form the night before, off he slipped the ones he had fetched from Baby, on. The TV spoke of new year celebrations going around the world and the great countdown intill 2010. With a grumble he leaned back folding his knee over his other and turned his head towards the kitchen. On the table sat quite a few bottles of Soju....and whatever else the manager and Baby had picked out.
Hyun Joong, and Young Saeng's schedule kept them from going to pick things out and Kyu Jong had just opted not to go. Jungmin shifted his head towards the hall, speaking of the center, where was he?
Having nothing better to do Jungmin rose from his feet and headed down the hall. The door to the room Kyu Jong and Hyun Joong shared was open and peeking through the door he found the innocent member seemingly tidying up the room. It really wasn't intresting so Jungmin was about to turn away when he spied a certain item not meant to be in the hands of an innocent member. Fuzzy Handcuffs. He watched as Kyu Jong sat them on Hyun Joong's pillow. Jungmin shook his head and rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing this right? From the corner of his eye he spied a bottle of lube on the bed side dresser. He quickly pulled his head away from the door. That was something he didn't care to see. His tongue slowly moved across his bottom lip before smirking.
"Kyu!" He called watching as his hyung nearly jumped out of his skin dropping what ever else he had picked up to place on the bed.
"C-coming!" Kyu Jong called and turned to walk towards the door.
Jungmin had already made his way back to the the living room and waited for his younger of whom wasted no time in getting to the living room.
Kyu Jong stopped in front of the sofa and smiled. "What is it?"
"Have you heard about Leader's new girl friend? I heard him and Saengie talking about it."
Kyu Jong's smile slowly fell but it seemed a fake one made it's way back on his face. "Girlfriend? I didn't hear anything about a girl friend. Are you sure your heard correctly?"
Jungmin tilted his head back and nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure."
Kyu Jong's head by now had visablly began to shake but he hid them by stuffing them in his pants pocket.
"I see,...I havn't heard anything about it. Glad to know he managed a girl. "
Jungmin nodded again and lay on the cushions his head resting on the arm rest. He was about to say something more when the door opened. Hyun Joong and Young Saeng walked in their schedules finally done for the day and all five members got the previlige of having the night off to enjoy themselves.
The happiness in the air seemed to slowly fade as Kyu Jong scurried over to Hyun Joong pulling on his arm and whispering in a whiny tone. This lasted only a moment before the older wiped a tear from Kyu Jong's cheek and the two made their way down the hall. Mostly to talk...
Jungmin smiled as he buried his face into the cool leather of the their couch. Proud of himself for causing at least two of them to leave him be on this dreaded day. His joy faded away though as he felt the cushion his feet were on sink. Slowly he moved his head enough to look through one eye at the culprit who dare steal his peace away.
Young Saeng.
"...Hmm, Otter?"
Young Saeng looked down a the toe socks that Jungmin wore. "Those are the ones I told Kyu Jong ..." he cut off as a blush hit his cheek before slapping his knees and squeaking much like an otter. "Soo." he spoke to change the subject. "Enjoying the coming of the new year?"
"No" Jungmin was blunt and held no hesitation in his answer.
Young Saeng rose from the couch scurrying over to the table grabbing a bottle of Soju and bringing it back. Jungmin watched him pour two glasses and eyed the cup that the otter now held out to him.
"Drink Jungmin. For the coming of one more year for SS501."
Jungmin sighed sitting up missing his comfy spot he had made. Taking the glass he knocked the glasses together with Young Saeng and brought it to his lips. This however is where he stopped. The edge of the glass to his lips he watched his hyung drink. His head tilted up as he drank, a light line of the liquid soon running down his chin to his neck. JungMin swallowed hard and forced himself to take a sip. He moved the cup from his lips as Young Saeng smiled at him, his lips now glistening.
"I had a dream last night....I ....died in that dream." Young Saeng's head was down. "You...you held me when I died Jungmin."
Jungmin gave him a funny look raising an eyebrow to question his hyung's akward dream.
"...before I died though..." He cut off.
Young Saeng opened his mouth to speak but it was then that Hyung Joon baby bounded out of his room.
"Party Time!" He squeaked running to the table grabbing a bottle and running back to his room.
Both boys on the couch eyed the hall way which baby ran down as if a nudest had just walked by.
Jungmin laughed and took a large gulp of his drink. Maybe he could at least enjoy the Soju...if he couldn't love the day.
"Mal.." Young Saeng stared eyeing the near empty glass that Jungmin was holding. Young Saeng, as the members had learned over the years, wasn't very good on alcohol toleration. He was an easy one to get drunk. Jungmin..it took a bit more to get drunk on. He took another sip now emptying the glass. He sighed but was caught off guard as Young Saeng pressed against him making him drop his cup.
"..Saengie?" Jungmin breathed but stopped as he felt Young Saeng's tongue glide over the lower corner of his lip.
"I told you I loved you in my dreams ...Jungmin."
Said horse had no time to react as Young Saeng's lips met his own at first gentle but then pushed it his tongue sliding into the younger's mouth.
Perhaps if it was some other day, some moment more out there, more lively then the moment he was in. Maybe it was the alcohol...yeah he blamed the alcohol. His tongue met Young Saeng's and the kiss deepened....
Jungmin suddenly jolted awake at the sound of their manager's shouting and Hyung Joon's laughing.
He looked down to see he was naked sprawled across the floor a sleeping Young Saeng beside him curled up against him.
He could hear their second manager bickering with Hyun Joong about having Kyu Jong tied to a bed post and Jungmin despite being just woke up quickly tuned out that conversation. His eyes drifted once again down to Young Saeng and he smirked sighing deeply.
Jungmin hated News Years Eve...He had hated it every year. He knew the ends and outs of the events that would take place and enjoyed every one of them. He could admit to liking News Years Eve and look forward to it....but then the nights with saengie...the nights that only happened once a year. Would never be as sweet.