Mar 08, 2006 19:36
AWW PUPPY: Well for those of you who do not know i got a puppy! His name is Ziggy and hes a chiuiua and hes the cutest little guy hes brown with tan underneath on his belly!!. i <3 him..even when he pee's on the floor :)
Very excited for the weekend..time to get crazy..maybe a little too crazy..hehe but thats what we do best...
Confused.. glad my friends get me and r here to tell me all the good things about me IDK what i would do with out them they make me feel so special all the time..iam so greatful for them...and at least i have a few to relate!..3 to be exact
Count down to bahamas 8 days...god i can not waiiiiiiit
Count down to MY birthday 4 days..semi scary yet exciting..the big 1-8
*Sorry I never was everything you ever dreamed..*
<3 Peace out Party People Xo Ljeezy