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On May 5th and 6th, Remioromen held their "Saitama Super Arena SPECIAL LIVE"! Over 15,000 people saw the 26 song shows.
During the encore, they premiered the full version of the Alinamin CM song, now titled "Starting Over" XDDDD and the release date is 2009.07.15 "excites"
you can hear the song at 3:29 , before it was "asagao"
May 5th/6th Saitama Super Arena SPECIAL LIVE setlist
- Rhythm (リズム)
- Rendezvous Tandem (ランデブータンデム)
- 1-2 Love Forever
- Ameagari (雨上がり)
- Taiyou no Shita (太陽の下)
- Wonderful & Beautiful
- Kami fubUki (紙ふぶき)
- Denwa (電話)
- Konayuki (粉雪)
- Seishun no Hikari (青春の光)
- Moratorium (モラトリアム)
- Satsukiame (五月雨)
- Island (アイランド)
- Hoshi Tori (星取り)
- Motto Tooku e (もっと遠くへ)
- Minamikaze (南風)
- Stand By Me (スタンドバイミー)
- Asu ni Kakaru Hashi (明日に架かる橋)
- Tsubasa (翼)
- Toumei (透明)
- Yume no Tsubomi (夢の蕾)
~encore~ - Beer to Purin
- Asagao
- Starting Over
- Sakura
- 3gatsu 9ka (3月9日)
italics means they were my personal favorites XD .