Sep 21, 2005 00:42
whoa!! what a fun day/night at the FAIR!! It was a blast.. a but pricey.. but the FUN out weighed that... LOL!
So.. we had a nice crowd.. wish more could have made it.. but it wz Me, Kc, Jen, Tony, Jigga, Laura and her sista! We went on ALL the rides.. well all the ones that were worth going on.. =p
Me and Kc got our ticket package.. and started things off at the Water Coaster.. it wz fun.. still sunny outside.. so getting wet wasnt a biggie!! POP POP.. then we ventured here and there.. playing games.. eating scones.. winning prizes!! YAY oOo.... we took a picture button!! pop.. i like it..we are both wearing our favorite colors.. me- blue - kc- green!
There wz this one game.. where i amost one a HUGE dragon.. but I didnt shoot out like have a of a DOT of RED on this target.. wz is BS.. and really hard to do.. and then this one game.. with this daym wiffle ball that you shoot out of a gun.. fucking BALL!! needless to say.. i didnt win that! I did win us HATS.. stuffed animals.. a green DRAGON.. it wz nice!
We ALL went on the BIG roLLer coaster.. wasnt all it wz cracked out to be.. i like the WILD THING better.. but it still got a lot of screams out of us ALL!! ooOOoo yeah... we went to this hypnotis show.. that was pretty cool.. Michelle from work wz there.. she went on stage.. it was pretty funny!! I took some pics.. Jigga wz on stage last year.. hehehee.. strippin down to his undies.. wha wha wha!
The food wz good.. didnt get to eat as much though.. cz everything freaking closed down while we were on the rides and playing games!! **sad** no EARTHQUAKE burgers.. or ELEPHANT ears.. and I really wanted one of those!!
Well.. plan for next year.. break down and buy a YELLOW bracelet.. its the SUPER DIZZY pass.. gets you on EVERYTHING for $30.. of course.. we will have to get there a lil earlier.. but the rides are just better.. at night.. cz of all of the lights.. and stuff.. dunt really know why.. but its juss better!! yeah... and a bigger crowd! but its been soo long that we have been to the fair.. that we will be better prepared for next year!! =p