the hunt is on..

Jul 02, 2005 00:44

The hunt for a frige.. 500-700 is what i can afford.. im hoping to find a nice side by side with water/ice capabilities.. soon.. VERY SOON!!

My hunny is back from his PULLMAN.. yay!! im sooo happy!! pop pop!! Gonna go up Tuesday.. and hang out.. til Wednesday!! Im soo soo excited!

Yard tools.. think im gonna go get some in the AM.. depending on what time I get up.. know of any places that dont charge an arm and a leg.. considering i need almost everything!! hehe.. ^_^

Wounsian came down from Seattle tonight.. that was cool.. we met up had noodles.. ahhhhh.. it was tasty..

But nothing compares to late night noodles.. with my hunny.. =p

aiight.. 1am.. bed time!!

- jAi -
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