Ya know. Sometimes the choices we make are hard ones. Sometimes they even hurt way down. But sometimes I think that the hardest decisions to make are what make us strong. It’s not always about what we want, it is about what is best for everyone involved. When you see a greater pain down the road, when you see that there are obstacles that might
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2. Know your daughter will never believe that you understand how she is feeling and what it is to be a teen, “now”. So pic your battles and do not sweat the small stuff.
3. Be honest in what you tell her, trying to shield them does not always serve them well in life. In my opinion it may even make thme more vulnerable.
4. 4.Your teen like everybody else will be sexual. Give her the tools to stay safer.
• I would urge you, if yo have not already to have her vaccinated with gaurdcil. So she is at less risk for cervical cancer down the line.
• Talk to her honestly about the myths about sex that her girlfriend will tell her.
• Explain the differences between love and sex and her self worth is not tied to those issues
• Incourage her to come to you and discuss things or ask questions. Let her know you will never be judgmental or call her silly for asking.
• Tell her that clean boys/girls or birthcontrol pils do not stop STDs only strong well placed condoms do.
• Make a contract with her stating; She can call you anytime, night or day to come pick her up from any where. Even place she was not suppose to be and you will wait 8hours to discuss the broken rules so that you are in a calmer state of mind.
• Be the mother, even though teens will bitch long and loud/ They really appreciate and need structure. Just remember to be consistand in your rules and reactions. She needs to be the daughter and you need to be the mom so she survives well on this growth path/
May the Goddess bless and preserve you both through her teen development.
You can also come find me when ever ya need to vent.
Cause teen will drive you bat shit nuts!! It's there job. LOL
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