
Jul 02, 2012 13:34

Name: Jai Wilcox
Canon: Covert Affairs
Canon Point: The end of season two... (Don't get me started)
More Info: Wiki and Profile


Backtagging: Yes.
Threadhopping: If it makes sense to do so.
Fourthwalling: Only on cracky threads.
Mun and Muse over 21: Yes.


Hugging this character: It's probably against protocol but he'll make an exception if it's a friend.
Kissing this character: Yes, and it probably means he's trying to get information out of you in some form or fashion.
Flirting with this character: Oh yeah, he'll charm the intel right out of you.
Fighting with this character: Jai is an expertly trained CIA agent and won't run away from a fight unless he's outnumbered and needs to reform for a new tactic. But he usually doesn't go into a hostile situation blindly anyway. Confident, not stupid.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Nothing extreme like cutting off limbs please.
Killing this character: No way, dude.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Yes.

Notes about mun: This is probably the most serious character I've ever played. He didn't have as many scenes in the show as I'd like, but I think I have a handle on his personality.

Notes about muse: He's charming, arrogant, ambitious, and will use people to get what he wants. On the other hand, he does have a good heart when it comes down to it and doesn't mind going into a dangerous situation to save someone he cares about.

( Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!)
