LJ Dramaramathon

Aug 08, 2007 20:31

So there's apparently some huge drama on LJ over the fact that Six Apart has put the smack down on slash fic involving minors. No more Harry Potter and Severus Snape slash (who knew there was such a thing - I must be sheltered!).

In any case, from what I read (before I stopped to keep my eyes from bleeding), SA is announcing this policy change without making it a part of the Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) of our user contracts. In California, it seems that you must refund money paid to customers if the T&Cs change and the customers aren't happy. The way around it? Don't make the change part of the T&Cs. I'm no expert on California consumer law, but if this is true (taking it all with a huge grain of salt), it's squicky at best.

Apparently, it doesn't matter what security level your post is (public, f'list only, special filters, or private*) if someone sees it and is offended and reports it, LJ will review it. They don't go looking for it; but only check it out if someone complains. While I'm not standing in support of child porn, etc., this does seem to be a slippery slope argument. We must protect kids, but we must also protect freedom of expression. Not an easy balancing act.

So I don't know what the real deal is, b/c there's so much drama surrounding it and LJ's response is kinda generic, but I'd suggest watching your LJ slash very carefully til it all blows over.

*How anyone else is able to view entries marked private is beyond me. Unless you've a guilty enough conscience that you report yourself, maybe?
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