Defeat.. can sometimes taste sweet

Nov 10, 2008 23:09

We lost the National Bar Mock Competition.
We won all three heats that we particpated in during ther round robin of all the schools at the Crown court that day, that fateful day Saturday the 8th November, however the school that we beat in the second heat of the day, was the same school that managed to beat us in the finals. I do think that it was a matter of the case that we had been given to represent.

Earlier a judge commented on the standard of our team being in fact one of the highest to date in our competition, and I really don't feel bad about the results. .fOr one, as I was no longer a witness inn the final trial, I was allowed to become a member of the jury, and ended up casting my vote on the verdict of not guilty which was the case that the school"C-brook" had been arguing. It was not only because I had played the role of that defendant earlier on in the day. I honestly felt that there case was stronger, and there was such an element of reasonable doubt, that I guess neither of us as schools on the whole had been able to address if every time the trial was staged the verdict was returned the same.

Anyhow, in keeping with my resolution to keep looking for the positives in my situations, I now have some emotion memory that I can use in my acting If I ever have the cause to play a role of a juror, a defendant, a witness, or a barrister. I also got to see the Dover Coast line at about 06:50 am, due to my getting on a 05:58 am train from a station (ten minutes away from my house). Also on my return home, I was treated with an up close fireworks display. altogether it was not wasted Saturday. I learnt a lot, and all the skills I picked up can be put to good use, plus I met a lot of new people and exchanged details with a few. If I can, I'll try to get some pictures up of the team or whatever.

Today although it was absolutely pouring with rain, I did in fact walk to the library after getting off my bus from school. I picked up eight books, and renewed the four already out on my card. My trousers may have been soaked thoroughly up to about knee level, and I may have ended up squelching through the park, but I did pick up seven books, that will help in my revision and just general knowledge in; Law, politics, economics, and sociology. I may even be able to gather some background knowledge for my sociology coursework.

Oh by the way I have pledged to myself to give up music for a while, and see if it does
anything for mu Intelligence Quota, I have this niggling feeling that it along with T.v. have been partly responsible for my brainn drain. Nnot that I do not also blame myself entirely for letting the ball slip, but yes, I think T.V. and music were definitely two contributory factors.

ALso I learnt a valuable lesson today, never decide to walk through a grassy field when it is raining. You may, or in my case definitely will end up with mud, grass and water in your shoes. Also don't do this if you are wearing your good black shoes. Silver lining: I shall probably never make this mistake again.

Also Yay. Thank God, I've finally made headway with my Personal Statement. Thank you wider reading materials (see the slog to the library was completely worth it =])

Okay take care, I may not be here for a while, lots of work to do. Starting my sociology coursework, and I've got eight beautiful books I want to read.

Take care

no music, library, pros of wider reading, positive approach, random, sociology coursework, i love to read, bar national mock trial competition, personal statement

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