Hey, I'm painting my nails, after finishing reading Pretty Things by Sarra MAnning for like the fourth time, and listening to Keep On Walking by Scouting for girls. I felt now was as good a time as any to post something.
It's been terribly cold today... well not so much cold as pissin down with rain, but after your black skinny jeans are shrinking whilst your wearing them, and you can feel the wind on your legs as though the jeans are a really thing layer of silk, rather then the rather thick denim they actually are.. I reckon you're allowed to call it cold.
Surprisingly I have my fan heater set on the fan position, even though I'm just wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms, and a little black camisole. I may be feverish.
But that's okay cos I've got a bit of ENglish homework to get on with, but I keep procrastinating. Putting the fan on and feeling feverish should help me focus, especially asa I really need to do my UCAS statement too..
I've just spent most of my birthday money. I really wanted to save it. I guess I don't really have any will power.
I mean the stuff I bought was needed, like "A Small Island" by Andrea Levy, for ENglish Lit... and this briefcase type bag thing for school.. and an oyster card so I can get to school after having mine stolen at Angela's party on Tuesday.. and well a phone for my little brother.. after that got stolen too.. but it's just so saddening to see all my money fly out of my account like that. My dad was supposed to pay some money in it anyway..
anyway I'm going to go cook some pasta and bolognese... Thank god I updated my ipod recently .. I'll take it down now... Oh I wish I had something with a lot more memory than 2 GB... because even then the actual capacity is 1.86GB... next time I'll read the small print.
Well I hope you're all having a good weekend and that.
ENjoy the rest of it.. stay safe
Bubbles and Huggles.