AO3 stat Meme and kudos philosophy

Jul 26, 2018 23:06

Lifted from
ruugerbecause I like data and it is a bit different from the Fic statistic meme I filled earlier this year.

Account created: 2012-02-02
Total stories: 93 (I didn't count the 9 fanarts also hosted on AO3)

Total wordcount: 506 777 words
Average wordcount: 5449 words
Longest story: Clair-obscur (66 563 words)
Shortest story: The Sound of Fandom (116 words)

Total kudos: 877 (fanarts excluded)
Kudos per fanwork: average of 9,4 kudo per fic
Story with most kudos: Diary if a Ninken (133)

Total comments: 141 comment threads
Comments per fanwork: average of 1,5 comment per fic
Story with most comments: Oleum et Operam (16 comment threads)

Total author subscriptions: 25
Total story subscriptions: 26
Story with most subscriptions: Oleum et Operam (6)

Total bookmarks: 131
Story with most bookmarks: Diary of a Ninken (14)

Stories with no comments or kudos: None
Stories without comments: Actually quite a lot, but some because they were first posted on and/or livejournal, and I antidated them when I moved them to Ao3, so they never appeared as "new" in the top pages and were immediately burried. The same goes for Obscur-Echange fics, that got all their comments on LJ and none when I posted them on AO3.

No AO3 comment fics in french:L'affaire de la Boîte Bleue (Doctor Who/Shelock Holmes) ; Rideo Ergo Sum (Batman - Nolanverse) ; La Vie en Rose (Firefly) ; Un petit coin de paradis (Star Trek (2009)) ; Le Diagnostic (Dr House) ; Dream : Récurrence (The Sandman/Harry Potter) ; Desire : Assouvissement (The Sandman/Harry Potter) ; Delirium : Biens endommagés (The Sandman/Harry Potter) ; Murphisme Technologique (Dresden Files) ; Brûlant jusqu'au dernier tous mes vaisseaux chantants (White Collar) ; Destiny : Chemins tissés (The Sandman/Harry Potter) ; L'Homme de Fer Blanc (Sherlock (TV)) ; Mission : Improbable (Naruto) ; Rencontre au sommet (Naruto) ; De Profundis (Batman - Nolanverse) ; Une dernière fois avant que le jour ne se lève (The Lions of Al-Rassan - Guy Gavriel Kay) ; Starend (Stardust/Discworld) ; Constellations (Battlestar Galactica (2003)) ; Vingt-cinq (Naruto) ; La route de Delphes (Batman) ; Les couleurs de l'acier (Naruto) ; Crise (Naruto) ; Kage (Naruto) ; Marche dans les Ténèbres (Naruto) ; Naruto ficlets (Naruto) ; Le Complexe Procréatif (The Big Bang Theory) ; Parfois (X-Men) ; Comme elfes et nains (The Lord of the Rings ; Réveillon (Star Trek (2009)) ; Ischémie (Naruto) ; 221 C Baker Street (Sherlock) ; La science de ta peau contre la mienne (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) ; L’horizon rouge sang (Hannibal (TV)) ; Jungle x Révélations (Hunter X Hunter) ; Les dattes (The Lions of Al-Rassan) ; Time And Relative Dimention in Space (Doctor Who (2005)); Terrible comme des troupes sous leurs bannières (American Gods) ;

No AO3 comment fics in english: Psychology of the Force-sensitive individual (Hannibal /Star Wars) ; Awesome as an army with banners (American Gods)

We had a debate the other day on a discord, where some authors didn't like kudos because they meant nothing in term of feedback, and were deemed "lazy"... And I disagree!
Sure, I'd rather have long gushing comments (or even comments pointing out mistakes or disagreements in a constructive way, I'm pretty thick skinned and open to criticism), but kudos are way better that nothing, they tell me " I read that fic and enjoyed it" even if the reader doesn't have anything more to tell, it's a proof of enjoyment that always make my day better when I get the daily AO3 email. (These day it's pretty much daily, Diary of a Ninken is raking up kudos at a rate I had never known before... but even the out-of-nowhere kudo on a old fic makes me happy. :) )

As a reader, I don't always comment on fics even if I try to do better, but I do leave a lot of kudos. I make a point to always kudo fics I enjoyed, and I often bookmark fics I really liked in the frame of mind that this way: a) I can find them again in order to rec them, b) their "rating" will go up and other people can find them. (I increasingly use the AO3 bookmarks to find fics I want to read, and it's made much easier by the new filtering system that for example lets you exclude thinks like "modern AUs" tags.... or on the other hand allows you to select only fics other users have tagged as "fav". <3

What is strange to me is the difference of kudo rates between languages and fandoms... Why are english-speaking Naruto fans more likely to leave kudos than french fannibals? I don't know! (As for the language difference I don't have a translated fic to do a a "scientific method" data analysis, but it certainly seems like a trend... and for the fandom part I'm assuming my Hannibal fics are as good as my Naruto fic. ^^)

This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

écriture, in english, meme, statistiques, fandom

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